Web Fraud - Anomalous User Clickspeed

Original Source: [splunk source]
Name:Web Fraud - Anomalous User Clickspeed
author:Jim Apger, Splunk
Description:This search is used to examine web sessions to identify those where the clicks are occurring too quickly for a human or are occurring with a near-perfect cadence (high periodicity or low standard deviation), resembling a script driven session.
search:`stream_http` http_content_type=text*
| rex field=cookie "form_key=(?<session_id>\w+)"
| streamstats window=2 current=1 range(_time) as TimeDelta by session_id
| where TimeDelta>0 |stats count stdev(TimeDelta) as ClickSpeedStdDev avg(TimeDelta) as ClickSpeedAvg by session_id
| where count>5 AND (ClickSpeedStdDev<.5 OR ClickSpeedAvg<.5)
| `web_fraud___anomalous_user_clickspeed_filter`

how_to_implement:Start with a dataset that allows you to see clickstream data for each user click on the website. That data must have a time stamp and must contain a reference to the session identifier being used by the website. This ties the clicks together into clickstreams. This value is usually found in the http cookie. With a bit of tuning, a version of this search could be used in high-volume scenarios, such as scraping, crawling, application DDOS, credit-card testing, account takeover, etc. Common data sources used for this detection are customized Apache logs, customized IIS, and Splunk Stream.
known_false_positives:As is common with many fraud-related searches, we are usually looking to attribute risk or synthesize relevant context with loosly written detections that simply detect anamoluous behavior.
    - 'Web Fraud Detection'
    - 'T1078'
    - role:
      - 'Victim'
    - 'Splunk Enterprise'
    - 'Splunk Enterprise Security'
    - 'Splunk Cloud'
    - '_time'
    - 'http_content_type'
    - 'cookie'


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