O365 Threat Intelligence Suspicious File Detected: threatO365 Tenantrisk_score:502024-09-30version:2
The following analytic identifies when a malicious file is detected within the Microsoft Office 365 ecosystem through the Advanced Threat Protection engine. Attackers may stage and execute malicious files from within the Microsoft Office 365 ecosystem. Any detections from built-in Office 365 capabilities should be monitored and responded to appropriately. Certain premium Office 365 capabilities such as Safe Attachment and Safe Links further enhance these detection and response functions.
Recon Using WMI Class: endpointEndpointrisk_score:602024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects suspicious PowerShell activity via EventCode 4104, where WMI performs event queries to gather information on running processes or services. This detection leverages PowerShell Script Block Logging to identify specific WMI queries targeting system information classes like Win32_Bios and Win32_OperatingSystem. This activity is significant as it often indicates reconnaissance efforts by an adversary to profile the compromised machine. If confirmed malicious, the attacker could gain detailed system information, aiding in further exploitation or lateral movement within the network.
7zip CommandLine To SMB Share Path: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-11-26version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of 7z or 7za processes with command lines pointing to SMB network shares. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line arguments. This activity is significant as it may indicate an attempt to archive and exfiltrate sensitive files to a network share, a technique observed in CONTI LEAK tools. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could lead to data exfiltration, compromising sensitive information and potentially aiding further attacks.
File with Samsam Extension: endpointEndpointrisk_score:902024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects file writes with extensions indicative of a SamSam ransomware attack. It leverages file-system activity data to identify file names ending in .stubbin, .berkshire, .satoshi, .sophos, or .keyxml. This activity is significant because SamSam ransomware is highly destructive, leading to file encryption and ransom demands. If confirmed malicious, the impact includes significant financial losses, operational disruptions, and reputational damage. Immediate actions should include isolating affected systems, restoring files from backups, and investigating the attack source to prevent further incidents.
Detect Regsvr32 Application Control Bypass: endpointEndpointrisk_score:802024-11-28version:6
The following analytic identifies the abuse of Regsvr32.exe to proxy execution of malicious code, specifically detecting the loading of "scrobj.dll" by Regsvr32.exe. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process creation events and command-line executions. This activity is significant because Regsvr32.exe is a trusted, signed Microsoft binary, often used in "Squiblydoo" attacks to bypass application control mechanisms. If confirmed malicious, this technique could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code, potentially leading to system compromise and persistent access.
Clop Ransomware Known Service Name: endpointEndpointrisk_score:1002024-11-28version:5
The following analytic identifies the creation of a service with a known name used by CLOP ransomware for persistence and high-privilege code execution. It detects this activity by monitoring Windows Event Logs (EventCode 7045) for specific service names ("SecurityCenterIBM", "WinCheckDRVs"). This activity is significant because the creation of such services is a common tactic used by ransomware to maintain control over infected systems. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to execute code with elevated privileges, maintain persistence, and potentially disrupt or encrypt critical data.
Windows Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets Klist: endpointEndpointrisk_score:92024-10-17version:3
The following analytic identifies the execution of the Windows OS tool klist.exe, often used by post-exploitation tools like winpeas. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process and parent process details. Monitoring klist.exe is significant as it can indicate attempts to list or gather cached Kerberos tickets, which are crucial for lateral movement or privilege escalation. If confirmed malicious, this activity could enable attackers to move laterally within the network or escalate privileges, posing a severe security risk.
Excessive Usage Of Cacls App: endpointEndpointrisk_score:802024-12-06version:5
The following analytic identifies excessive usage of `cacls.exe`, `xcacls.exe`, or `icacls.exe` to change file or folder permissions. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line executions. This activity is significant as it may indicate an adversary attempting to restrict access to malware components or artifacts on a compromised system. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could prevent users from deleting or accessing critical files, aiding in the persistence and concealment of malicious activities.
Windows System User Discovery Via Quser: endpointEndpointrisk_score:92024-10-17version:3
The following analytic detects the execution of the Windows OS tool quser.exe, commonly used to gather information about user sessions on a Remote Desktop Session Host server. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs. Monitoring this activity is crucial as quser.exe is often abused by post-exploitation tools like winpeas, used in ransomware attacks to enumerate user sessions. If confirmed malicious, attackers could leverage this information to further compromise the system, maintain persistence, or escalate privileges.
Kerberos Pre-Authentication Flag Disabled in UserAccountControl: endpointEndpointrisk_score:452024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects when the Kerberos Pre-Authentication flag is disabled in a user account, using Windows Security Event 4738. This event indicates a change in the UserAccountControl property of a domain user object. Disabling this flag allows adversaries to perform offline brute force attacks on the user's password using the AS-REP Roasting technique. This activity is significant as it can be used by attackers with existing privileges to escalate their access or maintain persistence. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access and potential compromise of sensitive information.
Windows Remote Create Service: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:4
The following analytic identifies the creation of a new service on a remote endpoint using sc.exe. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, specifically monitoring for EventCode 7045, which indicates a new service creation. This activity is significant as it may indicate lateral movement or remote code execution attempts by an attacker. If confirmed malicious, this could allow the attacker to establish persistence, escalate privileges, or execute arbitrary code on the remote system, potentially leading to further compromise of the network.
Windows Disable Change Password Through Registry: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-12-08version:7
The following analytic detects a suspicious registry modification that disables the Change Password feature on a Windows host. It identifies changes to the registry path "*\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System\\DisableChangePassword" with a value of "0x00000001". This activity is significant as it can prevent users from changing their passwords, a tactic often used by ransomware to maintain control over compromised systems. If confirmed malicious, this could hinder user response to an attack, allowing the attacker to persist and potentially escalate their access within the network.
W3WP Spawning Shell: endpointEndpointrisk_score:562024-09-30version:4
The following analytic identifies instances where a shell (PowerShell.exe or Cmd.exe) is spawned from W3WP.exe, the IIS worker process. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process creation events where the parent process is W3WP.exe. This activity is significant as it may indicate webshell activity, often associated with exploitation attempts like those by the HAFNIUM Group on Exchange servers. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands, potentially leading to system compromise, data exfiltration, or further lateral movement within the network.
Detect attackers scanning for vulnerable JBoss servers: networkWeb Serverrisk_score:252024-10-17version:3
The following analytic identifies specific GET or HEAD requests to web servers that indicate reconnaissance attempts to find vulnerable JBoss servers. It leverages data from the Web data model, focusing on HTTP methods and URLs associated with JBoss management interfaces. This activity is significant because it often precedes exploitation attempts using tools like JexBoss, which can compromise the server. If confirmed malicious, attackers could gain unauthorized access, execute arbitrary code, or escalate privileges, leading to potential data breaches and system compromise.
Disabled Kerberos Pre-Authentication Discovery With Get-ADUser: endpointEndpointrisk_score:542024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects the execution of the `Get-ADUser` PowerShell cmdlet with parameters indicating a search for domain accounts with Kerberos Pre-Authentication disabled. It leverages PowerShell Script Block Logging (EventCode=4104) to identify this specific activity. This behavior is significant because discovering accounts with Kerberos Pre-Authentication disabled can allow adversaries to perform offline password cracking. If confirmed malicious, this activity could lead to unauthorized access to user accounts, potentially compromising sensitive information and escalating privileges within the network.
Schtasks scheduling job on remote system: endpointEndpointrisk_score:632024-11-28version:10
The following analytic detects the use of 'schtasks.exe' to create a scheduled task on a remote system, indicating potential lateral movement or remote code execution. It leverages process data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on specific command-line arguments and flags. This activity is significant as it may signify an adversary's attempt to persist or execute code remotely. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to maintain access, execute arbitrary commands, or further infiltrate the network, posing a severe security risk.
Schtasks used for forcing a reboot: endpointEndpointrisk_score:562024-09-30version:6
The following analytic detects the use of 'schtasks.exe' to schedule forced system reboots using the 'shutdown' and '/create' flags. It leverages endpoint process data to identify instances where these specific command-line arguments are used. This activity is significant because it may indicate an adversary attempting to disrupt operations or force a reboot to execute further malicious actions. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to system downtime, potential data loss, and provide an attacker with an opportunity to execute additional payloads or evade detection.
Scheduled tasks used in BadRabbit ransomware: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-10-17version:5
This search looks for flags passed to schtasks.exe on the command-line that indicate that task names related to the execution of Bad Rabbit ransomware were created or deleted. Deprecated because we already have a similar detection
Auto Admin Logon Registry Entry: endpointEndpointrisk_score:632024-12-08version:8
The following analytic detects a suspicious registry modification that enables auto admin logon on a host. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, specifically looking for changes to the "AutoAdminLogon" value within the "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon" registry path. This activity is significant because it was observed in BlackMatter ransomware attacks to maintain access after a safe mode reboot, facilitating further encryption. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to automatically log in and continue their operations, potentially leading to widespread network encryption and data loss.
ASL AWS Detect Users creating keys with encrypt policy without MFA: threatAWS Accountrisk_score:252024-12-16version:1
The following analytic detects the creation of AWS KMS keys with an encryption policy accessible to everyone, including external entities. It leverages AWS CloudTrail logs from Amazon Security Lake to identify `CreateKey` or `PutKeyPolicy` events where the `kms:Encrypt` action is granted to all principals. This activity is significant as it may indicate a compromised account, allowing an attacker to misuse the encryption key to target other organizations. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized data encryption, potentially disrupting operations and compromising sensitive information across multiple entities.
Windows New EventLog ChannelAccess Registry Value Set: endpointEndpointrisk_score:302024-12-06version:1
The following analytic detects suspicious modifications to the EventLog security descriptor registry value for defense evasion. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, focusing on changes to the "CustomSD" value within the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\<Channel>\CustomSD" path. This activity is significant as changes to the access permissions of the event log could blind security products and help attackers evade defenses. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to block users and security products from viewing, ingesting and interacting event logs.
High Process Termination Frequency: endpointEndpointrisk_score:722024-09-30version:5
The following analytic identifies a high frequency of process termination events on a computer within a short period. It leverages Sysmon EventCode 5 logs to detect instances where 15 or more processes are terminated within a 3-second window. This behavior is significant as it is commonly associated with ransomware attempting to avoid exceptions during file encryption. If confirmed malicious, this activity could indicate an active ransomware attack, potentially leading to widespread file encryption and significant data loss.
Uninstall App Using MsiExec: endpointEndpointrisk_score:302024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the uninstallation of applications using msiexec with specific command-line arguments. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs that include command-line details. This activity is significant because it is an uncommon practice in enterprise environments and has been associated with malicious behavior, such as disabling antivirus software. If confirmed malicious, this could allow an attacker to remove security software, potentially leading to further compromise and persistence within the network.
Randomly Generated Windows Service Name: endpointEndpointrisk_score:452024-10-17version:5
The following analytic detects the installation of a Windows Service with a suspicious, high-entropy name, indicating potential malicious activity. It leverages Event ID 7045 and the `ut_shannon` function from the URL ToolBox Splunk application to identify services with random names. This behavior is significant as adversaries often use randomly named services for lateral movement and remote code execution. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code, escalate privileges, or maintain persistence within the environment.
WinEvent Scheduled Task Created to Spawn Shell: endpointEndpointrisk_score:702024-11-28version:6
The following analytic detects the creation of scheduled tasks designed to execute commands using native Windows shells like PowerShell, Cmd, Wscript, or Cscript. It leverages Windows Security EventCode 4698 to identify when such tasks are registered. This activity is significant as it may indicate an attempt to establish persistence or execute malicious commands on a system. If confirmed malicious, this could allow an attacker to maintain access, execute arbitrary code, or escalate privileges, posing a severe threat to the environment.
Windows Information Discovery Fsutil: endpointEndpointrisk_score:92024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies the execution of the Windows built-in tool FSUTIL with the FSINFO parameter to discover file system information. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs that include command-line details. Monitoring this activity is significant because FSUTIL can be abused by adversaries to gather detailed information about the file system, aiding in further exploitation. If confirmed malicious, this activity could enable attackers to map the file system, identify valuable data, and plan subsequent actions such as privilege escalation or persistence.
Detect Webshell Exploit Behavior: endpointEndpointrisk_score:802024-11-28version:5
The following analytic identifies the execution of suspicious processes typically associated with webshell activity on web servers. It detects when processes like `cmd.exe`, `powershell.exe`, or `bash.exe` are spawned by web server processes such as `w3wp.exe` or `nginx.exe`. This behavior is significant as it may indicate an adversary exploiting a web application vulnerability to install a webshell, providing persistent access and command execution capabilities. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to maintain control over the compromised server, execute arbitrary commands, and potentially escalate privileges or exfiltrate sensitive data.
Windows DisableAntiSpyware Registry: endpointEndpointrisk_score:242024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the modification of the Windows Registry key "DisableAntiSpyware" being set to disable. This detection leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry datamodel, specifically looking for the registry value name "DisableAntiSpyware" with a value of "0x00000001". This activity is significant as it is commonly associated with Ryuk ransomware infections, indicating potential malicious intent to disable Windows Defender. If confirmed malicious, this action could allow attackers to disable critical security defenses, facilitating further malicious activities such as data encryption, exfiltration, or additional system compromise.
Disable Logs Using WevtUtil: endpointEndpointrisk_score:242024-11-26version:5
The following analytic detects the execution of "wevtutil.exe" with parameters to disable event logs. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line arguments. This activity is significant because disabling event logs is a common tactic used by ransomware to evade detection and hinder forensic investigations. If confirmed malicious, this action could allow attackers to operate undetected, making it difficult to trace their activities and respond effectively to the incident.
Remote Desktop Network Traffic: networkEndpointrisk_score:252024-10-16version:7
The following analytic detects unusual Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) traffic on TCP/3389 by filtering out known RDP sources and destinations, focusing on atypical connections within the network. This detection leverages network traffic data to identify potentially unauthorized RDP access. Monitoring this activity is crucial for a SOC as unauthorized RDP access can indicate an attacker's attempt to control networked systems, leading to data theft, ransomware deployment, or further network compromise. If confirmed malicious, this activity could result in significant data breaches or complete system and network control loss.
Detect PsExec With accepteula Flag: endpointEndpointrisk_score:352024-09-30version:7
The following analytic identifies the execution of `PsExec.exe` with the `accepteula` flag in the command line. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs and command-line arguments. This activity is significant because PsExec is commonly used by threat actors to execute code on remote systems, and the `accepteula` flag indicates first-time usage, which could signify initial compromise. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to gain remote code execution capabilities, potentially leading to further system compromise and lateral movement within the network.
Recon AVProduct Through Pwh or WMI: endpointEndpointrisk_score:562024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects suspicious PowerShell script execution via EventCode 4104, specifically targeting checks for installed anti-virus products using WMI or PowerShell commands. This detection leverages PowerShell Script Block Logging to identify scripts containing keywords like "SELECT," "WMIC," "AntiVirusProduct," or "AntiSpywareProduct." This activity is significant as it is commonly used by malware and APT actors to map running security applications or services, potentially aiding in evasion techniques. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to disable or bypass security measures, leading to further compromise of the endpoint.
Suspicious wevtutil Usage: endpointEndpointrisk_score:282024-09-30version:7
The following analytic detects the usage of wevtutil.exe with parameters for clearing event logs such as Application, Security, Setup, Trace, or System. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line arguments. This activity is significant because clearing event logs can be an attempt to cover tracks after malicious actions, hindering forensic investigations. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow an attacker to erase evidence of their activities, making it difficult to trace their actions and understand the full scope of the compromise.
Exchange PowerShell Abuse via SSRF: endpointEndpointrisk_score:802024-10-17version:4
The following analytic detects suspicious behavior indicative of ProxyShell exploitation against on-premise Microsoft Exchange servers. It identifies HTTP POST requests to `autodiscover.json` containing `PowerShell` in the URI, leveraging server-side request forgery (SSRF) to access backend PowerShell. This detection uses Exchange server logs ingested into Splunk. Monitoring this activity is crucial as it may indicate an attacker attempting to execute commands or scripts on the Exchange server. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access, privilege escalation, or persistent control over the Exchange environment.
Detect Mimikatz Using Loaded Images: endpointWindowsrisk_score:642024-10-17version:2
This search looks for reading loaded Images unique to credential dumping with Mimikatz. Deprecated because mimikatz libraries changed and very noisy sysmon Event Code.
Suspicious Event Log Service Behavior: endpointEndpointrisk_score:92024-10-17version:4
The following analytic detects the shutdown of the Windows Event Log service using Windows Event ID 1100. This event is logged every time the service stops, including during normal system shutdowns. Monitoring this activity is crucial as it can indicate attempts to cover tracks or disable logging. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could hide their activities, making it difficult to trace their actions and investigate further incidents. Analysts should verify if the shutdown was planned and review other alerts and data sources for additional suspicious behavior.
UAC Bypass With Colorui COM Object: endpointEndpointrisk_score:482024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects a potential UAC bypass using the colorui.dll COM Object. It leverages Sysmon EventCode 7 to identify instances where colorui.dll is loaded by a process other than colorcpl.exe, excluding common system directories. This activity is significant because UAC bypass techniques are often used by malware, such as LockBit ransomware, to gain elevated privileges without user consent. If confirmed malicious, this could allow an attacker to execute code with higher privileges, leading to further system compromise and persistence within the environment.
Detect Credential Dumping through LSASS access: endpointWindowsrisk_score:802024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects attempts to read LSASS memory, indicative of credential dumping. It leverages Sysmon EventCode 10, filtering for specific access permissions (0x1010 and 0x1410) on the lsass.exe process. This activity is significant because it suggests an attacker is trying to extract credentials from LSASS memory, potentially leading to unauthorized access, data breaches, and compromise of sensitive information. If confirmed malicious, this could enable attackers to escalate privileges, move laterally within the network, or exfiltrate data. Extensive triage is necessary to differentiate between malicious and benign activities.
GPUpdate with no Command Line Arguments with Network: endpointEndpointrisk_score:812024-11-28version:6
The following analytic detects the execution of gpupdate.exe without command line arguments and with an active network connection. This behavior is identified using Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) telemetry, focusing on process execution and network traffic data. It is significant because gpupdate.exe typically runs with specific arguments, and its execution without them, especially with network activity, is often associated with malicious software like Cobalt Strike. If confirmed malicious, this activity could indicate an attacker leveraging gpupdate.exe for lateral movement, command and control, or other nefarious purposes, potentially leading to system compromise.
Network Connection Discovery With Netstat: endpointEndpointrisk_score:152024-10-17version:3
The following analytic detects the execution of `netstat.exe` with command-line arguments to list network connections on a system. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names, command-line executions, and parent processes. This activity is significant as both Red Teams and adversaries use `netstat.exe` for situational awareness and Active Directory discovery. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to map network connections, identify critical systems, and plan further lateral movement or data exfiltration.
Exchange PowerShell Module Usage: endpointEndpointrisk_score:322024-09-30version:7
The following analytic detects the usage of specific Exchange PowerShell modules, such as New-MailboxExportRequest, New-ManagementRoleAssignment, New-MailboxSearch, and Get-Recipient. It leverages PowerShell Script Block Logging (EventCode 4104) to identify these commands. This activity is significant because these modules can be exploited by adversaries who have gained access via ProxyShell or ProxyNotShell vulnerabilities. If confirmed malicious, attackers could export mailbox contents, assign management roles, conduct mailbox searches, or view recipient objects, potentially leading to data exfiltration, privilege escalation, or unauthorized access to sensitive information.
Known Services Killed by Ransomware: endpointEndpointrisk_score:722024-12-09version:7
The following analytic detects the suspicious termination of known services commonly targeted by ransomware before file encryption. It leverages Windows System Event Logs (EventCode 7036) to identify when critical services such as Volume Shadow Copy, backup, and antivirus services are stopped. This activity is significant because ransomware often disables these services to avoid errors and ensure successful file encryption. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could lead to widespread data encryption, rendering files inaccessible and potentially causing significant operational disruption and data loss.
Windows Security Support Provider Reg Query: endpointEndpointrisk_score:92024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies command-line activity querying the registry for Security Support Providers (SSPs) related to Local Security Authority (LSA) protection and configuration. This detection leverages Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) telemetry, focusing on processes accessing specific LSA registry paths. Monitoring this activity is crucial as adversaries and post-exploitation tools like winpeas may use it to gather information on LSA protections, potentially leading to credential theft. If confirmed malicious, attackers could exploit this to scrape password hashes or plaintext passwords from memory, significantly compromising system security.
Detect RClone Command-Line Usage: endpointEndpointrisk_score:352024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects the usage of `rclone.exe` with specific command-line arguments indicative of file transfer activities. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions and process details. This activity is significant as `rclone.exe` is often used by adversaries for data exfiltration, especially during ransomware attacks. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could lead to unauthorized data transfer, resulting in data breaches and potential loss of sensitive information. Immediate isolation of the affected endpoint and further investigation are recommended.
Detect Remote Access Software Usage Registry: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-11-21version:1
The following analytic detects when a known remote access software is added to common persistence locations on a device within the environment. Adversaries use these utilities to retain remote access capabilities to the environment. Utilities in the lookup include AnyDesk, GoToMyPC, LogMeIn, TeamViewer and much more. Review the lookup for the entire list and add any others.
Rundll32 with no Command Line Arguments with Network: endpointEndpointrisk_score:702024-11-28version:7
The following analytic detects the execution of rundll32.exe without command line arguments, followed by a network connection. This behavior is identified using Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) telemetry and network traffic data. It is significant because rundll32.exe typically requires arguments to function, and its absence is often associated with malicious activity, such as Cobalt Strike. If confirmed malicious, this activity could indicate an attempt to establish unauthorized network connections, potentially leading to data exfiltration or further compromise of the system.
Windows Modify Registry LongPathsEnabled: endpointEndpointrisk_score:162024-11-14version:4
The following analytic detects a modification to the Windows registry setting "LongPathsEnabled," which allows file paths longer than 260 characters. This detection leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry datamodel, focusing on changes to the specific registry path and value. This activity is significant because adversaries, including malware like BlackByte, exploit this setting to bypass file path limitations, potentially aiding in evasion techniques. If confirmed malicious, this modification could facilitate the execution of long-path payloads, aiding in persistence and further system compromise.
Windows PowerView AD Access Control List Enumeration: endpointEndpointrisk_score:202024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of PowerView PowerShell cmdlets `Get-ObjectAcl` or `Get-DomainObjectAcl`, which are used to enumerate Access Control List (ACL) permissions for Active Directory objects. It leverages Event ID 4104 from PowerShell Script Block Logging to identify this activity. This behavior is significant as it may indicate an attempt to discover weak permissions in Active Directory, potentially leading to privilege escalation. If confirmed malicious, attackers could exploit these permissions to gain unauthorized access or escalate their privileges within the network.
Windows MSExchange Management Mailbox Cmdlet Usage: endpointEndpointrisk_score:322024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies suspicious Cmdlet usage in Exchange Management logs, focusing on commands like New-MailboxExportRequest and New-ManagementRoleAssignment. It leverages EventCode 1 and specific Message patterns to detect potential ProxyShell and ProxyNotShell abuse. This activity is significant as it may indicate unauthorized access or manipulation of mailboxes and roles, which are critical for maintaining email security. If confirmed malicious, attackers could export mailbox data, assign new roles, or search mailboxes, leading to data breaches and privilege escalation.
Detect Remote Access Software Usage File: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the writing of files from known remote access software to disk within the environment. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on file path, file name, and user information. This activity is significant as adversaries often use remote access tools like AnyDesk, GoToMyPC, LogMeIn, and TeamViewer to maintain unauthorized access. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to persist in the environment, potentially leading to data exfiltration, further compromise, or complete control over affected systems.
Suspicious MSBuild Rename: endpointEndpointrisk_score:632024-10-17version:6
The following analytic detects the execution of renamed instances of msbuild.exe. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and original file names within the Endpoint data model. This activity is significant because msbuild.exe is a legitimate tool often abused by attackers to execute malicious code while evading detection. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code, potentially leading to system compromise, data exfiltration, or further lateral movement within the network.
Windows Cached Domain Credentials Reg Query: endpointEndpointrisk_score:92024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies a process command line querying the CachedLogonsCount registry value in the Winlogon registry. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions and registry queries. Monitoring this activity is significant as it can indicate the use of post-exploitation tools like Winpeas, which gather information about login caching settings. If confirmed malicious, this activity could help attackers understand login caching configurations, potentially aiding in credential theft or lateral movement within the network.
Domain Controller Discovery with Nltest: endpointEndpointrisk_score:212024-11-26version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of `nltest.exe` with command-line arguments `/dclist:` or `/dsgetdc:` to discover domain controllers. It leverages Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) data, focusing on process names and command-line arguments. This activity is significant because both Red Teams and adversaries use `nltest.exe` for situational awareness and Active Directory discovery. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to map out domain controllers, facilitating further attacks such as privilege escalation or lateral movement within the network.
CertUtil Download With URLCache and Split Arguments: endpointEndpointrisk_score:902024-12-07version:8
The following analytic detects the use of certutil.exe to download files using the `-urlcache` and `-f` arguments. It leverages Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) data, focusing on command-line executions that include these specific arguments. This activity is significant because certutil.exe is typically used for certificate services, and its use to download files from remote locations is uncommon and potentially malicious. If confirmed, this behavior could indicate an attempt to download and execute malicious payloads, leading to potential system compromise and unauthorized data access.
Windows Service Created with Suspicious Service Path: endpointEndpointrisk_score:562024-09-30version:7
The following analytic detects the creation of a Windows Service with a binary path located in uncommon directories, using Windows Event ID 7045. It leverages logs from the `wineventlog_system` to identify services installed outside typical system directories. This activity is significant as adversaries, including those deploying Clop ransomware, often create malicious services for lateral movement, remote code execution, persistence, and execution. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to maintain persistence, execute arbitrary code, and potentially escalate privileges, posing a severe threat to the environment.
Detect SharpHound File Modifications: endpointEndpointrisk_score:242024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects the creation of files typically associated with SharpHound, a reconnaissance tool used for gathering domain and trust data. It leverages file modification events from the Endpoint.Filesystem data model, focusing on default file naming patterns like `*_BloodHound.zip` and various JSON files. This activity is significant as it indicates potential domain enumeration, which is a precursor to more targeted attacks. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could gain detailed insights into the domain structure, facilitating lateral movement and privilege escalation.
Detect Rare Executables: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:6
The following analytic detects the execution of rare processes that appear only once across the network within a specified timeframe. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs. This activity is significant for a SOC as it helps identify potentially malicious activities or unauthorized software, which could indicate a security breach or ongoing attack. If confirmed malicious, such rare processes could lead to data theft, privilege escalation, or complete system compromise, making early detection crucial for minimizing impact.
Windows High File Deletion Frequency: endpointEndpointrisk_score:722024-09-30version:4
The following analytic identifies a high frequency of file deletions by monitoring Sysmon EventCodes 23 and 26 for specific file extensions. This detection leverages Sysmon logs to track deleted target filenames, process names, and process IDs. Such activity is significant as it often indicates ransomware behavior, where files are encrypted and the originals are deleted. If confirmed malicious, this activity could lead to extensive data loss and operational disruption, as ransomware can render critical files inaccessible, demanding a ransom for their recovery.
Excessive Usage Of Net App: endpointEndpointrisk_score:282024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects excessive usage of `net.exe` or `net1.exe` within a one-minute interval. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names, parent processes, and command-line executions. This behavior is significant as it may indicate an adversary attempting to create, delete, or disable multiple user accounts rapidly, a tactic observed in Monero mining incidents. If confirmed malicious, this activity could lead to unauthorized user account manipulation, potentially compromising system integrity and enabling further malicious actions.
Change Default File Association: endpointEndpointrisk_score:802024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects suspicious registry modifications that change the default file association to execute a malicious payload. It leverages data from the Endpoint data model, specifically monitoring registry paths under "*\\shell\\open\\command\\*" and "*HKCR\\*". This activity is significant because altering default file associations can allow attackers to execute arbitrary scripts or payloads when a user opens a file, leading to potential code execution. If confirmed malicious, this technique can enable attackers to persist on the compromised host and execute further malicious commands, posing a severe threat to the environment.
Samsam Test File Write: endpointEndpointrisk_score:122024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the creation of a file named "test.txt" within the Windows system directory, indicative of Samsam ransomware propagation. It leverages file-system activity data from the Endpoint data model, specifically monitoring file paths within the Windows System32 directory. This activity is significant as it aligns with known Samsam ransomware behavior, which uses such files for propagation and execution. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to ransomware deployment, resulting in data encryption, system disruption, and potential data loss. Immediate investigation and remediation are crucial to prevent further damage.
Fsutil Zeroing File: endpointEndpointrisk_score:542024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the execution of the 'fsutil' command with the 'setzerodata' parameter, which zeros out a target file. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line arguments. This activity is significant because it is a technique used by ransomware, such as LockBit, to evade detection by erasing its malware path after encrypting the host. If confirmed malicious, this action could hinder forensic investigations and allow attackers to cover their tracks, complicating incident response efforts.
Batch File Write to System32: endpointEndpointrisk_score:632024-11-28version:7
The following analytic detects the creation of a batch file (.bat) within the Windows system directory tree, specifically in the System32 or SysWOW64 folders. It leverages data from the Endpoint datamodel, focusing on process and filesystem events to identify this behavior. This activity is significant because writing batch files to system directories can be indicative of malicious intent, such as persistence mechanisms or system manipulation. If confirmed malicious, this could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary commands with elevated privileges, potentially compromising the entire system.
Ryuk Wake on LAN Command: endpointEndpointrisk_score:632024-11-28version:4
The following analytic detects the use of Wake-on-LAN commands associated with Ryuk ransomware. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on specific process and command-line activities. This behavior is significant as Ryuk ransomware uses Wake-on-LAN to power on devices in a compromised network, increasing its encryption success rate. If confirmed malicious, this activity could lead to widespread ransomware encryption across multiple endpoints, causing significant operational disruption and data loss. Immediate isolation and thorough investigation of the affected endpoints are crucial to mitigate the impact.
CMD Carry Out String Command Parameter: endpointEndpointrisk_score:302024-10-17version:6
The following analytic detects the use of `cmd.exe /c` to execute commands, a technique often employed by adversaries and malware to run batch commands or invoke other shells like PowerShell. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions and process metadata. Monitoring this activity is crucial as it can indicate script-based attacks or unauthorized command execution. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could lead to unauthorized code execution, privilege escalation, or persistence within the environment.
Net Localgroup Discovery: endpointEndpointrisk_score:152024-11-26version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of the `net localgroup` command, which is used to enumerate local group memberships on a system. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs that include command-line details. This activity is significant because it can indicate an attacker is gathering information about local group memberships, potentially to identify privileged accounts. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could lead to further privilege escalation or lateral movement within the network.
Windows Disable Shutdown Button Through Registry: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-12-08version:7
The following analytic detects suspicious registry modifications that disable the shutdown button on a user's logon screen. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, specifically monitoring changes to registry paths associated with shutdown policies. This activity is significant because it is a tactic used by malware, particularly ransomware like KillDisk, to hinder system usability and prevent the removal of malicious changes. If confirmed malicious, this could impede system recovery efforts, making it difficult to restart the machine and remove other harmful modifications.
SecretDumps Offline NTDS Dumping Tool: endpointEndpointrisk_score:802024-11-28version:4
The following analytic detects the potential use of the secretsdump.py tool to dump NTLM hashes from a copy of ntds.dit and the SAM, SYSTEM, and SECURITY registry hives. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on specific command-line patterns and process names associated with secretsdump.py. This activity is significant because it indicates an attempt to extract sensitive credential information offline, which is a common post-exploitation technique. If confirmed malicious, this could allow an attacker to obtain NTLM hashes, facilitating further lateral movement and potential privilege escalation within the network.
SAM Database File Access Attempt: endpointEndpointrisk_score:802024-10-17version:4
The following analytic detects attempts to access the SAM, SYSTEM, or SECURITY database files within the `windows\system32\config` directory using Windows Security EventCode 4663. This detection leverages Windows Security Event logs to identify unauthorized access attempts. Monitoring this activity is crucial as it indicates potential credential access attempts, possibly exploiting vulnerabilities like CVE-2021-36934. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could extract user passwords, leading to unauthorized access, privilege escalation, and further compromise of the system.
Ryuk Test Files Detected: endpointEndpointrisk_score:702024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies the presence of files containing the keyword "Ryuk" in any folder on the C drive, indicative of Ryuk ransomware activity. It leverages the Endpoint Filesystem data model to detect file paths matching this pattern. This activity is significant as Ryuk ransomware is known for its destructive impact, encrypting critical files and demanding ransom. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to significant data loss, operational disruption, and financial damage due to ransom payments and recovery efforts. Immediate investigation and response are crucial to mitigate potential damage.
Unusually Long Command Line - MLTK: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-12-16version:4
The following analytic identifies unusually long command lines executed on hosts, which may indicate malicious activity. It leverages the Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK) to detect command lines with lengths that deviate from the norm for a given user. This is significant for a SOC as unusually long command lines can be a sign of obfuscation or complex malicious scripts. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to execute sophisticated commands, potentially leading to unauthorized access, data exfiltration, or further compromise of the system.
O365 SharePoint Malware Detection: threatO365 Tenantrisk_score:752024-09-30version:2
The following analytic identifies when a malicious file is detected within the SharePoint Online ecosystem. Attackers may stage and execute malicious files from within the Microsoft Office 365 ecosystem. Any detections from built-in Office 365 capabilities should be monitored and responded to appropriately. Certain premium Office 365 capabilities further enhance these detection and response functions.
Cobalt Strike Named Pipes: endpointEndpointrisk_score:722024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects the use of default or publicly known named pipes associated with Cobalt Strike. It leverages Sysmon EventID 17 and 18 to identify specific named pipes commonly used by Cobalt Strike's Artifact Kit and Malleable C2 Profiles. This activity is significant because Cobalt Strike is a popular tool for adversaries to conduct post-exploitation tasks, and identifying its named pipes can reveal potential malicious activity. If confirmed malicious, this could indicate an active Cobalt Strike beacon, leading to unauthorized access, data exfiltration, or further lateral movement within the network.
Windows Disable Memory Crash Dump: endpointEndpointrisk_score:902024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects attempts to disable the memory crash dump feature on Windows systems by setting the registry value to 0. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry datamodel, specifically monitoring changes to the CrashDumpEnabled registry key. This activity is significant because disabling crash dumps can hinder forensic analysis and incident response efforts. If confirmed malicious, this action could be part of a broader attack strategy, such as data destruction or system destabilization, as seen with HermeticWiper, potentially leading to significant operational disruptions and data loss.
Windows Privilege Escalation System Process Without System Parent: endpointEndpointrisk_score:802024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects any system integrity level process spawned by a non-system account. It leverages Sysmon EventID 1, focusing on process integrity and parent user data. This behavior is significant as it often indicates successful privilege escalation to SYSTEM from a user-controlled process or service. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow an attacker to gain full control over the system, execute arbitrary code, and potentially compromise the entire environment.
Clop Common Exec Parameter: endpointEndpointrisk_score:1002024-11-28version:6
The following analytic identifies the execution of CLOP ransomware variants using specific arguments ("runrun" or "temp.dat") to trigger their malicious activities. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line arguments. Monitoring this activity is crucial as it indicates potential ransomware behavior, which can lead to file encryption on network shares or local machines. If confirmed malicious, this activity could result in significant data loss and operational disruption due to encrypted files, highlighting the need for immediate investigation and response.
Windows Private Keys Discovery: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies processes that retrieve information related to private key files, often used by post-exploitation tools like winpeas. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions that search for private key certificates. This activity is significant as it indicates potential attempts to locate insecurely stored credentials, which adversaries can exploit for privilege escalation, persistence, or remote service authentication. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to access sensitive information, escalate privileges, or maintain persistence within the compromised environment.
Windows User Execution Malicious URL Shortcut File: endpointEndpointrisk_score:642024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the creation of suspicious URL shortcut link files, often used by malware like CHAOS ransomware. It leverages the Endpoint.Filesystem datamodel to identify .url files created outside standard directories, such as Program Files. This activity is significant as it may indicate an attempt to execute malicious code upon system reboot. If confirmed malicious, this could allow an attacker to achieve persistence and execute harmful payloads, potentially leading to further system compromise and data loss.
WinEvent Scheduled Task Created Within Public Path: endpointEndpointrisk_score:702024-11-28version:6
The following analytic detects the creation of scheduled tasks within user-writable paths using Windows Security EventCode 4698. It identifies tasks registered via schtasks.exe or TaskService that execute commands from directories like Public, ProgramData, Temp, and AppData. This behavior is significant as it may indicate an attempt to establish persistence or execute unauthorized commands. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could maintain long-term access, escalate privileges, or execute arbitrary code, posing a severe threat to system integrity and security.
Rubeus Kerberos Ticket Exports Through Winlogon Access: endpointEndpointrisk_score:362024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects a process accessing the winlogon.exe system process, indicative of the Rubeus tool attempting to export Kerberos tickets from memory. This detection leverages Sysmon EventCode 10 logs, focusing on processes obtaining a handle to winlogon.exe with specific access rights. This activity is significant as it often precedes pass-the-ticket attacks, where adversaries use stolen Kerberos tickets to move laterally within an environment. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to bypass normal access controls, escalate privileges, and persist within the network, posing a severe security risk.
Delete ShadowCopy With PowerShell: endpointEndpointrisk_score:812024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the use of PowerShell to delete shadow copies via the WMIC PowerShell module. It leverages EventCode 4104 and searches for specific keywords like "ShadowCopy," "Delete," or "Remove" within the ScriptBlockText. This activity is significant because deleting shadow copies is a common tactic used by ransomware, such as DarkSide, to prevent data recovery. If confirmed malicious, this action could lead to irreversible data loss and hinder recovery efforts, significantly impacting business continuity and data integrity.
Windows Replication Through Removable Media: endpointEndpointrisk_score:642024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the creation or dropping of executable or script files in the root directory of a removable drive. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Filesystem datamodel, focusing on specific file types and their creation paths. This activity is significant as it may indicate an attempt to spread malware, such as ransomware, via removable media. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could lead to unauthorized code execution, lateral movement, or persistence within the network, potentially compromising sensitive data and systems.
Conti Common Exec parameter: endpointEndpointrisk_score:642024-11-28version:5
The following analytic detects the execution of suspicious command-line arguments commonly associated with Conti ransomware, specifically targeting local drives and network shares for encryption. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs that include command-line details. This activity is significant because it indicates a potential ransomware attack, which can lead to widespread data encryption and operational disruption. If confirmed malicious, the impact could be severe, resulting in data loss, system downtime, and potential ransom demands.
Windows Disable Windows Group Policy Features Through Registry: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-12-08version:7
The following analytic detects suspicious registry modifications aimed at disabling Windows Group Policy features. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, focusing on specific registry paths and values associated with disabling key Windows functionalities. This activity is significant because it is commonly used by ransomware to hinder mitigation and forensic response efforts. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could severely impair the ability of security teams to analyze and respond to the attack, allowing the attacker to maintain control and persist within the compromised environment.
Network Connection Discovery With Net: endpointEndpointrisk_score:152024-11-26version:4
The following analytic identifies the execution of `net.exe` or `net1.exe` with command-line arguments used to list network connections on a compromised system. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line executions. This activity is significant as it indicates potential network reconnaissance by adversaries or Red Teams, aiming to gather situational awareness and Active Directory information. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to map the network, identify critical assets, and plan further attacks, potentially leading to data exfiltration or lateral movement.
Powershell Execute COM Object: endpointEndpointrisk_score:52024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of a COM CLSID through PowerShell. It leverages EventCode 4104 and searches for specific script block text indicating the creation of a COM object. This activity is significant as it is commonly used by adversaries and malware, such as the Conti ransomware, to execute commands, potentially for privilege escalation or bypassing User Account Control (UAC). If confirmed malicious, this technique could allow attackers to gain elevated privileges or persist within the environment, posing a significant security risk.
Create Remote Thread into LSASS: endpointWindowsrisk_score:812024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects the creation of a remote thread in the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS). This behavior is identified using Sysmon EventID 8 logs, focusing on processes that create remote threads in lsass.exe. This activity is significant because it is commonly associated with credential dumping, a tactic used by adversaries to steal user authentication credentials. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information, leading to potential compromise of the entire network. Analysts should investigate to differentiate between legitimate tools and potential threats.
Detect Renamed PSExec: endpointEndpointrisk_score:272024-10-17version:8
The following analytic identifies instances where `PsExec.exe` has been renamed and executed on an endpoint. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and original file names. This activity is significant because renaming `PsExec.exe` is a common tactic to evade detection. If confirmed malicious, this could allow an attacker to execute commands remotely, potentially leading to unauthorized access, lateral movement, or further compromise of the network.
Disabling Firewall with Netsh: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:5
The following analytic identifies the disabling of the firewall using the netsh application. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions that include keywords like "firewall," "off," or "disable." This activity is significant because disabling the firewall can expose the system to external threats, allowing malware to communicate with its command and control (C2) server. If confirmed malicious, this action could lead to unauthorized data exfiltration, further malware downloads, and broader network compromise.
Windows Security Account Manager Stopped: endpointEndpointrisk_score:702024-11-28version:5
The following analytic detects the stopping of the Windows Security Account Manager (SAM) service via command-line, typically using the "net stop samss" command. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line executions. This activity is significant because stopping the SAM service can disrupt authentication mechanisms and is often associated with ransomware attacks like Ryuk. If confirmed malicious, this action could lead to unauthorized access, privilege escalation, and potential system-wide compromise.
Windows Privilege Escalation Suspicious Process Elevation: endpointEndpointrisk_score:402024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects when a process running with low or medium integrity from a user account spawns an elevated process with high or system integrity in suspicious locations. This behavior is identified using process execution data from Windows process monitoring or Sysmon EventID 1. This activity is significant as it may indicate a threat actor successfully elevating privileges, which is a common tactic in advanced attacks. If confirmed malicious, this could allow the attacker to execute code with higher privileges, potentially leading to full system compromise and persistent access.
Cmdline Tool Not Executed In CMD Shell: endpointEndpointrisk_score:562024-09-30version:5
The following analytic identifies instances where `ipconfig.exe`, `systeminfo.exe`, or similar tools are executed by a non-standard parent process, excluding CMD, PowerShell, or Explorer. This detection leverages Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) telemetry to monitor process creation events. Such behavior is significant as it may indicate adversaries using injected processes to perform system discovery, a tactic observed in FIN7's JSSLoader. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to gather critical host information, aiding in further exploitation or lateral movement within the network.
Detect Renamed RClone: endpointEndpointrisk_score:272024-10-17version:5
The following analytic detects the execution of a renamed `rclone.exe` process, which is commonly used for data exfiltration to remote destinations. This detection leverages Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) telemetry, focusing on process names and original file names that do not match. This activity is significant because ransomware groups often use RClone to exfiltrate sensitive data. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could indicate an ongoing data exfiltration attempt, potentially leading to significant data loss and further compromise of the affected systems.
Windows AD Abnormal Object Access Activity: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies a statistically significant increase in access to Active Directory objects, which may indicate attacker enumeration. It leverages Windows Security Event Code 4662 to monitor and analyze access patterns, comparing them against historical averages to detect anomalies. This activity is significant for a SOC because abnormal access to AD objects can be an early indicator of reconnaissance efforts by an attacker. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could lead to unauthorized access, privilege escalation, or further compromise of the Active Directory environment.
Create or delete windows shares using net exe: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-12-12version:10
The following analytic detects the creation or deletion of Windows shares using the net.exe command. It leverages Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) data to identify processes involving net.exe with actions related to share management. This activity is significant because it may indicate an attacker attempting to manipulate network shares for malicious purposes, such as data exfiltration, malware distribution, or establishing persistence. If confirmed malicious, this activity could lead to unauthorized access to sensitive information, service disruption, or malware introduction. Immediate investigation is required to determine the intent and mitigate potential threats.
Prevent Automatic Repair Mode using Bcdedit: endpointEndpointrisk_score:562024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the execution of "bcdedit.exe" with parameters to set the boot status policy to ignore all failures. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line arguments. This activity is significant because it can indicate an attempt by ransomware to prevent a compromised machine from booting into automatic repair mode, thereby hindering recovery efforts. If confirmed malicious, this action could allow attackers to maintain control over the infected system, complicating remediation and potentially leading to further damage.
Disable Windows Behavior Monitoring: endpointEndpointrisk_score:402024-12-08version:10
The following analytic identifies modifications in the registry to disable Windows Defender's real-time behavior monitoring. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, specifically monitoring changes to registry paths associated with Windows Defender settings. This activity is significant because disabling real-time protection is a common tactic used by malware such as RATs, bots, or Trojans to evade detection. If confirmed malicious, this action could allow an attacker to execute code, escalate privileges, or persist in the environment without being detected by antivirus software.
Windows Raw Access To Master Boot Record Drive: endpointEndpointrisk_score:902024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects suspicious raw access reads to the drive containing the Master Boot Record (MBR). It leverages Sysmon EventCode 9 to identify processes attempting to read or write to the MBR sector, excluding legitimate system processes. This activity is significant because adversaries often target the MBR to wipe, encrypt, or overwrite it as part of their impact payload. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to system instability, data loss, or a complete system compromise, severely impacting the organization's operations.
Allow Operation with Consent Admin: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-12-08version:8
The following analytic detects a registry modification that allows the 'Consent Admin' to perform operations requiring elevation without user consent or credentials. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, specifically monitoring changes to the 'ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin' value within the Windows Policies System registry path. This activity is significant as it indicates a potential privilege escalation attempt, which could allow an attacker to execute high-privilege tasks without user approval. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized administrative access and control over the compromised machine, posing a severe security risk.
SMB Traffic Spike: networkEndpointrisk_score:252024-10-17version:5
The following analytic detects spikes in Server Message Block (SMB) traffic connections, which are used for sharing files and resources between computers. It leverages network traffic logs to monitor connections on ports 139 and 445, and SMB application usage. By calculating the average and standard deviation of SMB connections over the past 70 minutes, it identifies sources exceeding two standard deviations from the average. This activity is significant as it may indicate potential SMB-based attacks, such as ransomware or data theft. If confirmed malicious, attackers could exfiltrate data or spread malware within the network.
Suspicious Scheduled Task from Public Directory: endpointEndpointrisk_score:352024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies the creation of scheduled tasks that execute binaries or scripts from public directories, such as users\public, \programdata\, or \windows\temp, using schtasks.exe with the /create command. It leverages Sysmon Event ID 1 data to detect this behavior. This activity is significant because it often indicates an attempt to maintain persistence or execute malicious scripts, which are common tactics in malware deployment. If confirmed as malicious, this could lead to data compromise, unauthorized access, and potential lateral movement within the network.
CertUtil Download With VerifyCtl and Split Arguments: endpointEndpointrisk_score:902024-12-07version:8
The following analytic detects the use of `certutil.exe` to download files using the `-VerifyCtl` and `-f` arguments. This behavior is identified by monitoring command-line executions for these specific arguments via Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) telemetry. This activity is significant because `certutil.exe` is a legitimate tool often abused by attackers to download and execute malicious payloads. If confirmed malicious, this could allow an attacker to download and execute arbitrary files, potentially leading to code execution, data exfiltration, or further compromise of the system.
BITSAdmin Download File: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-09-30version:6
The following analytic detects the use of `bitsadmin.exe` with the `transfer` parameter to download a remote object. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process and command-line telemetry. This activity is significant because `bitsadmin.exe` can be exploited to download and execute malicious files without immediate detection. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could use this technique to download and execute payloads, potentially leading to code execution, privilege escalation, or persistent access within the environment. Review parallel and child processes, especially `svchost.exe`, for associated artifacts.
BCDEdit Failure Recovery Modification: endpointEndpointrisk_score:802024-11-28version:5
The following analytic detects modifications to the Windows error recovery boot configurations using bcdedit.exe with flags such as "recoveryenabled" and "no". It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names, parent processes, and command-line executions. This activity is significant because ransomware often disables recovery options to prevent system restoration, making it crucial for SOC analysts to investigate. If confirmed malicious, this could hinder recovery efforts, allowing ransomware to cause extensive damage and complicate remediation.
Change To Safe Mode With Network Config: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the execution of a suspicious `bcdedit` command that configures a host to boot in safe mode with network support. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions involving `bcdedit.exe` with specific parameters. This activity is significant because it is a known technique used by BlackMatter ransomware to force a compromised host into safe mode for continued encryption. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to bypass certain security controls, persist in the environment, and continue their malicious activities.
Windows Service Stop Via Net and SC Application: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies attempts to stop services on a system using `net.exe` or `sc.exe`. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names, GUIDs, and command-line executions. This activity is significant as adversaries often terminate security or critical services to evade detection and further their objectives. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to disable security defenses, facilitate ransomware encryption, or disrupt essential services, leading to potential data loss or system compromise.
Revil Common Exec Parameter: endpointEndpointrisk_score:542024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of command-line parameters commonly associated with REVIL ransomware, such as "-nolan", "-nolocal", "-fast", and "-full". It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs mapped to the `Processes` node of the `Endpoint` data model. This activity is significant because these parameters are indicative of ransomware attempting to encrypt files on a compromised machine. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to widespread data encryption, rendering critical files inaccessible and potentially causing significant operational disruption.
Windows PowerView Constrained Delegation Discovery: endpointEndpointrisk_score:352024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the use of PowerView commandlets to discover Windows endpoints with Kerberos Constrained Delegation. It leverages PowerShell Script Block Logging (EventCode=4104) to identify specific commandlets like `Get-DomainComputer` or `Get-NetComputer` with the `-TrustedToAuth` parameter. This activity is significant as it indicates potential reconnaissance efforts by adversaries or Red Teams to map out privileged delegation settings in Active Directory. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to identify high-value targets for further exploitation, potentially leading to privilege escalation or lateral movement within the network.
SLUI Spawning a Process: endpointEndpointrisk_score:632024-11-28version:4
The following analytic detects the Microsoft Software Licensing User Interface Tool (`slui.exe`) spawning a child process. This behavior is identified using Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) telemetry, focusing on process creation events where `slui.exe` is the parent process. This activity is significant because `slui.exe` should not typically spawn child processes, and doing so may indicate a UAC bypass attempt, leading to elevated privileges. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could leverage this to execute code with elevated privileges, potentially compromising the system's security and gaining unauthorized access.
AWS Detect Users with KMS keys performing encryption S3: threatS3 Bucketrisk_score:152024-09-30version:4
The following analytic identifies users with KMS keys performing encryption operations on S3 buckets. It leverages AWS CloudTrail logs to detect the `CopyObject` event where server-side encryption with AWS KMS is specified. This activity is significant as it may indicate unauthorized or suspicious encryption of data, potentially masking exfiltration or tampering efforts. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could be encrypting sensitive data to evade detection or preparing it for exfiltration, posing a significant risk to data integrity and confidentiality.
Detect Remote Access Software Usage Traffic: networkNetworkrisk_score:252024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects network traffic associated with known remote access software applications, such as AnyDesk, GoToMyPC, LogMeIn, and TeamViewer. It leverages Palo Alto traffic logs mapped to the Network_Traffic data model in Splunk. This activity is significant because adversaries often use remote access tools to maintain unauthorized access to compromised environments. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to control systems remotely, exfiltrate data, or deploy additional malware, posing a severe threat to the organization's security.
Dump LSASS via comsvcs DLL: endpointEndpointrisk_score:802024-11-28version:6
The following analytic detects the behavior of dumping credentials from memory by exploiting the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) using the comsvcs.dll and MiniDump via rundll32. This detection leverages process information from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) logs, focusing on specific command-line executions. This activity is significant because it indicates potential credential theft, which can lead to broader system compromise, persistence, lateral movement, and privilege escalation. If confirmed malicious, attackers could gain unauthorized access to sensitive information, leading to data theft, ransomware attacks, or other damaging outcomes.
System User Discovery With Whoami: endpointEndpointrisk_score:152024-10-17version:3
The following analytic detects the execution of `whoami.exe` without any arguments. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs. This activity is significant because both Red Teams and adversaries use `whoami.exe` to identify the current logged-in user, aiding in situational awareness and Active Directory discovery. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could indicate an attacker is gathering information to further compromise the system, potentially leading to privilege escalation or lateral movement within the network.
Msmpeng Application DLL Side Loading: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects the suspicious creation of msmpeng.exe or mpsvc.dll in non-default Windows Defender folders. It leverages the Endpoint.Filesystem datamodel to identify instances where these files are created outside their expected directories. This activity is significant because it is associated with the REvil ransomware, which uses DLL side-loading to execute malicious payloads. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to ransomware deployment, resulting in data encryption, system compromise, and potential data loss or extortion.
Extraction of Registry Hives: endpointEndpointrisk_score:562024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the use of `reg.exe` to export Windows Registry hives, which may contain sensitive credentials. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions involving `save` or `export` actions targeting the `sam`, `system`, or `security` hives. This activity is significant as it indicates potential offline credential access attacks, often executed from untrusted processes or scripts. If confirmed malicious, attackers could gain access to credential data, enabling further compromise and lateral movement within the network.
Windows Remote Access Software Hunt: endpointEndpointrisk_score:12024-10-17version:4
The following analytic identifies the use of remote access software within the environment. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs. This detection is significant as unauthorized remote access tools can be used by adversaries to maintain persistent access to compromised systems. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to remotely control systems, exfiltrate data, or further infiltrate the network. Review the identified software to ensure it is authorized and take action against any unauthorized utilities.
Detect Exchange Web Shell: endpointEndpointrisk_score:812024-12-12version:9
The following analytic identifies the creation of suspicious .aspx files in known drop locations for Exchange exploitation, specifically targeting paths associated with HAFNIUM group and vulnerabilities like ProxyShell and ProxyNotShell. It leverages data from the Endpoint datamodel, focusing on process and filesystem events. This activity is significant as it may indicate a web shell deployment, a common method for persistent access and remote code execution. If confirmed malicious, attackers could gain unauthorized access, execute arbitrary commands, and potentially escalate privileges within the Exchange environment.
Impacket Lateral Movement Commandline Parameters: endpointEndpointrisk_score:632024-11-28version:6
The following analytic identifies the use of suspicious command-line parameters associated with Impacket tools, such as `wmiexec.py`, `smbexec.py`, `dcomexec.py`, and `atexec.py`, which are used for lateral movement and remote code execution. It detects these activities by analyzing process execution logs from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on specific command-line patterns. This activity is significant because Impacket tools are commonly used by adversaries and Red Teams to move laterally within a network. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to execute commands remotely, potentially leading to further compromise and data exfiltration.
SLUI RunAs Elevated: endpointEndpointrisk_score:632024-11-28version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of the Microsoft Software Licensing User Interface Tool (`slui.exe`) with elevated privileges using the `-verb runas` function. This activity is identified through logs from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on specific registry keys and command-line parameters. This behavior is significant as it indicates a potential privilege escalation attempt, which could allow an attacker to gain elevated access and execute malicious actions with higher privileges. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized system changes, data exfiltration, or further compromise of the affected endpoint.
Malicious Powershell Executed As A Service: endpointEndpointrisk_score:722024-11-28version:6
The following analytic identifies the execution of malicious PowerShell commands or payloads via the Windows SC.exe utility. It detects this activity by analyzing Windows System logs (EventCode 7045) and filtering for specific PowerShell-related patterns in the ImagePath field. This behavior is significant because it indicates potential abuse of the Windows Service Control Manager to run unauthorized or harmful scripts, which could lead to system compromise. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code, escalate privileges, or maintain persistence within the environment.
System Information Discovery Detection: endpointWindowsrisk_score:152024-12-11version:6
The following analytic identifies system information discovery techniques, such as the execution of commands like `wmic qfe`, `systeminfo`, and `hostname`. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs. This activity is significant because attackers often use these commands to gather system configuration details, which can aid in further exploitation. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to tailor their attacks based on the discovered system information, potentially leading to privilege escalation, persistence, or data exfiltration.
Windows Remote Services Rdp Enable: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects modifications in the Windows registry to enable Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) on a targeted machine. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry datamodel, specifically monitoring changes to the "fDenyTSConnections" registry value. This activity is significant as enabling RDP via registry is uncommon and often associated with adversaries or malware attempting to gain remote access. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to remotely control the compromised host, potentially leading to further exploitation and lateral movement within the network.
Windows Driver Load Non-Standard Path: endpointEndpointrisk_score:362024-10-17version:4
The following analytic detects the loading of new Kernel Mode Drivers from non-standard paths using Windows EventCode 7045. It identifies drivers not located in typical directories like Windows, Program Files, or SystemRoot. This activity is significant because adversaries may use these non-standard paths to load malicious or vulnerable drivers, potentially bypassing security controls. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to execute code at the kernel level, escalate privileges, or maintain persistence within the environment, posing a severe threat to system integrity and security.
Detect Remote Access Software Usage URL: networkNetworkrisk_score:252024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of known remote access software within the environment. It leverages network logs mapped to the Web data model, identifying specific URLs and user agents associated with remote access tools like AnyDesk, GoToMyPC, LogMeIn, and TeamViewer. This activity is significant as adversaries often use these utilities to maintain unauthorized remote access. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to control systems remotely, exfiltrate data, or further compromise the network, posing a severe security risk.
Windows Modify Registry EnableLinkedConnections: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-11-14version:4
The following analytic detects a suspicious modification to the Windows registry setting for EnableLinkedConnections. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry datamodel to identify changes where the registry path is "*\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System\\EnableLinkedConnections" and the value is set to "0x00000001". This activity is significant because enabling linked connections can allow network shares to be accessed with both standard and administrator-level privileges, a technique often abused by malware like BlackByte ransomware. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access to sensitive network resources, escalating the attacker's privileges.
Suspicious Rundll32 StartW: endpointEndpointrisk_score:352024-09-30version:5
The following analytic identifies the execution of rundll32.exe with the DLL function names "Start" and "StartW," commonly associated with Cobalt Strike payloads. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions and process metadata. This activity is significant as it often indicates the presence of malicious payloads, such as Cobalt Strike, which can lead to unauthorized code execution. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to inject shellcode, escalate privileges, and maintain persistence within the environment.
Anomalous usage of 7zip: endpointEndpointrisk_score:642024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects the execution of 7z.exe, a 7-Zip utility, spawned from rundll32.exe or dllhost.exe. This behavior is identified using Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) telemetry, focusing on process names and parent processes. This activity is significant as it may indicate an adversary attempting to use 7-Zip for data exfiltration, often by renaming the executable to evade detection. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized data archiving and exfiltration, compromising sensitive information and potentially leading to further system exploitation.
Windows PowerView Kerberos Service Ticket Request: endpointEndpointrisk_score:272024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the execution of the `Get-DomainSPNTicket` commandlet, part of the PowerView tool, by leveraging PowerShell Script Block Logging (EventCode=4104). This commandlet requests Kerberos service tickets for specified service principal names (SPNs). Monitoring this activity is crucial as it can indicate attempts to perform Kerberoasting, a technique used to extract SPN account passwords via cracking tools like hashcat. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive accounts, potentially leading to privilege escalation and further network compromise.
MS Exchange Mailbox Replication service writing Active Server Pages: endpointEndpointrisk_score:812024-10-17version:3
The following analytic identifies the creation of suspicious .aspx files in specific directories associated with Exchange exploitation by the HAFNIUM group and the ProxyShell vulnerability. It detects this activity by monitoring the MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe process, which typically does not write .aspx files. This behavior is significant as it may indicate an active exploitation attempt on Exchange servers. If confirmed malicious, attackers could gain unauthorized access, execute arbitrary code, or maintain persistence within the environment. Immediate investigation and remediation are crucial to prevent further compromise.
Domain Account Discovery With Net App: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of `net.exe` or `net1.exe` with command-line arguments used to query domain users. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line executions. This activity is significant as it may indicate an attempt by adversaries to enumerate domain users for situational awareness and Active Directory discovery. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to map out user accounts, potentially leading to further exploitation or lateral movement within the network.
SchCache Change By App Connect And Create ADSI Object: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects an application attempting to connect and create an ADSI object to perform an LDAP query. It leverages Sysmon EventCode 11 to identify changes in the Active Directory Schema cache files located in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SchCache or %systemroot%\SchCache. This activity is significant as it can indicate the presence of suspicious applications, such as ransomware, using ADSI object APIs for LDAP queries. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to gather sensitive directory information, potentially leading to further exploitation or lateral movement within the network.
Windows Boot or Logon Autostart Execution In Startup Folder: endpointEndpointrisk_score:812024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the creation of files in the Windows %startup% folder, a common persistence technique. It leverages the Endpoint.Filesystem data model to identify file creation events in this specific directory. This activity is significant because adversaries often use the startup folder to ensure their malicious code executes automatically upon system boot or user logon. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to maintain persistence on the host, potentially leading to further system compromise and unauthorized access to sensitive information.
Firewall Allowed Program Enable: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the modification of a firewall rule to allow the execution of a specific application. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process creation events with command-line arguments related to firewall rule changes. This activity is significant as it may indicate an attempt to bypass firewall restrictions, potentially allowing unauthorized applications to communicate over the network. If confirmed malicious, this could enable an attacker to execute arbitrary code, escalate privileges, or maintain persistence within the target environment.
Suspicious Process File Path: endpointEndpointrisk_score:352024-11-28version:5
The following analytic identifies processes running from file paths not typically associated with legitimate software. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on specific process paths within the Endpoint data model. This activity is significant because adversaries often use unconventional file paths to execute malicious code without requiring administrative privileges. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could indicate an attempt to bypass security controls, leading to unauthorized software execution, potential system compromise, and further malicious activities within the environment.
Disable AMSI Through Registry: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-12-08version:8
The following analytic detects modifications to the Windows registry that disable the Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) by setting the "AmsiEnable" value to "0x00000000". This detection leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, specifically monitoring changes to the registry path "*\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Script\\Settings\\AmsiEnable". Disabling AMSI is significant as it is a common technique used by ransomware, Remote Access Trojans (RATs), and Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) to evade detection and impair defenses. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to execute payloads with minimal alerts, leading to potential system compromise and data exfiltration.
Wbemprox COM Object Execution: endpointEndpointrisk_score:352024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects a suspicious process loading a COM object from wbemprox.dll, fastprox.dll, or wbemcomn.dll. It leverages Sysmon EventCode 7 to identify instances where these DLLs are loaded by processes not typically associated with them, excluding known legitimate processes and directories. This activity is significant as it may indicate an attempt by threat actors to abuse COM objects for privilege escalation or evasion of detection mechanisms. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to gain elevated privileges or maintain persistence within the environment, posing a significant security risk.
WinRM Spawning a Process: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-10-17version:3
The following analytic detects suspicious processes spawned by WinRM (wsmprovhost.exe). It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on specific child processes like cmd.exe, powershell.exe, and others. This activity is significant as it may indicate exploitation attempts of vulnerabilities like CVE-2021-31166, which could lead to system instability or compromise. If confirmed malicious, attackers could execute arbitrary commands, escalate privileges, or maintain persistence, posing a severe threat to the environment.
Detect SharpHound Command-Line Arguments: endpointEndpointrisk_score:242024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of SharpHound command-line arguments, specifically `-collectionMethod` and `invoke-bloodhound`. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line executions. This activity is significant as SharpHound is commonly used for Active Directory enumeration, which can be a precursor to lateral movement or privilege escalation. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow an attacker to map out the network, identify high-value targets, and plan further attacks, potentially compromising sensitive information and critical systems.
Detect Remote Access Software Usage DNS: endpointEndpointrisk_score:42024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects DNS queries to domains associated with known remote access software such as AnyDesk, GoToMyPC, LogMeIn, and TeamViewer. This detection is crucial as adversaries often use these tools to maintain access and control over compromised environments. Identifying such behavior is vital for a Security Operations Center (SOC) because unauthorized remote access can lead to data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other severe impacts if these threats are not mitigated promptly.
Windows Modify Registry NoChangingWallPaper: endpointEndpointrisk_score:362024-11-14version:4
The following analytic detects modifications to the Windows registry aimed at preventing wallpaper changes. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry datamodel, specifically monitoring changes to the "NoChangingWallPaper" registry value. This activity is significant as it is a known tactic used by Rhysida ransomware to enforce a malicious wallpaper, thereby limiting user control over system settings. If confirmed malicious, this registry change could indicate a ransomware infection, leading to further system compromise and user disruption.
Elevated Group Discovery With Net: endpointEndpointrisk_score:212024-11-26version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of `net.exe` or `net1.exe` with command-line arguments used to query elevated domain groups. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line executions. This activity is significant as it indicates potential reconnaissance efforts by adversaries to identify high-privileged users within Active Directory. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could lead to further attacks aimed at compromising privileged accounts, escalating privileges, or gaining unauthorized access to sensitive systems and data.
Windows Vulnerable Driver Loaded: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-10-17version:3
The following analytic detects the loading of known vulnerable Windows drivers, which may indicate potential persistence or privilege escalation attempts. It leverages Sysmon EventCode 6 to identify driver loading events and cross-references them with a list of vulnerable drivers. This activity is significant as attackers often exploit vulnerable drivers to gain elevated privileges or maintain persistence on a system. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code with high privileges, leading to further system compromise and potential data exfiltration.
System Processes Run From Unexpected Locations: endpointEndpointrisk_score:302024-09-30version:8
The following analytic identifies system processes running from unexpected locations outside `C:\Windows\System32\` or `C:\Windows\SysWOW64`. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process paths, names, and hashes. This activity is significant as it may indicate a malicious process attempting to masquerade as a legitimate system process. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow an attacker to execute code, escalate privileges, or maintain persistence within the environment, posing a significant security risk.
Windows Password Managers Discovery: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies command-line activity that searches for files related to password manager software, such as "*.kdbx*" and "*credential*". It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs. This activity is significant because attackers often target password manager databases to extract stored credentials, which can be used for further exploitation. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could lead to unauthorized access to sensitive information, enabling attackers to escalate privileges, move laterally, or exfiltrate critical data.
Attacker Tools On Endpoint: endpointEndpointrisk_score:642024-11-28version:6
The following analytic detects the execution of tools commonly exploited by cybercriminals, such as those used for unauthorized access, network scanning, or data exfiltration. It leverages process activity data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on known attacker tool names. This activity is significant because it serves as an early warning system for potential security incidents, enabling prompt response. If confirmed malicious, this activity could lead to unauthorized access, data theft, or further network compromise, posing a severe threat to the organization's security infrastructure.
Prohibited Software On Endpoint: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-10-17version:4
This search looks for applications on the endpoint that you have marked as prohibited.
Windows PowerView SPN Discovery: endpointEndpointrisk_score:272024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the execution of the `Get-DomainUser` or `Get-NetUser` PowerShell cmdlets with the `-SPN` parameter, indicating the use of PowerView for SPN discovery. It leverages PowerShell Script Block Logging (EventCode=4104) to identify these specific commands. This activity is significant as it suggests an attempt to enumerate domain accounts associated with Service Principal Names (SPNs), a common precursor to Kerberoasting attacks. If confirmed malicious, this could allow an attacker to identify and target accounts for credential theft, potentially leading to unauthorized access and privilege escalation within the network.
Windows Modify Registry Default Icon Setting: endpointEndpointrisk_score:642024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects suspicious modifications to the Windows registry's default icon settings, a technique associated with Lockbit ransomware. It leverages data from the Endpoint Registry data model, focusing on changes to registry paths under "*HKCR\\*\\defaultIcon\\(Default)*". This activity is significant as it is uncommon for normal users to modify these settings, and such changes can indicate ransomware infection or other malware. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to system defacement and signal a broader ransomware attack, potentially compromising sensitive data and system integrity.
Executables Or Script Creation In Suspicious Path: endpointEndpointrisk_score:202024-11-28version:5
The following analytic identifies the creation of executables or scripts in suspicious file paths on Windows systems. It leverages the Endpoint.Filesystem data model to detect files with specific extensions (e.g., .exe, .dll, .ps1) created in uncommon directories (e.g., \windows\fonts\, \users\public\). This activity is significant as adversaries often use these paths to evade detection and maintain persistence. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to execute unauthorized code, escalate privileges, or persist within the environment, posing a significant security threat.
Windows Raw Access To Disk Volume Partition: endpointEndpointrisk_score:902024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects suspicious raw access reads to the device disk partition of a host machine. It leverages Sysmon EventCode 9 logs to identify processes attempting to read or write to the boot sector, excluding legitimate system processes. This activity is significant as it is commonly associated with destructive actions by adversaries, such as wiping, encrypting, or overwriting the boot sector, as seen in attacks involving malware like HermeticWiper. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could lead to severe impacts, including system inoperability, data loss, or compromised boot integrity.
Windows Credentials in Registry Reg Query: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies processes querying the registry for potential passwords or credentials. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions that access specific registry paths known to store sensitive information. This activity is significant as it may indicate credential theft attempts, often used by adversaries or post-exploitation tools like winPEAS. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could lead to privilege escalation, persistence, or lateral movement within the network, posing a severe security risk.
Remote Desktop Network Bruteforce: networkEndpointrisk_score:252024-10-16version:5
The following analytic identifies potential Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) brute force attacks by monitoring network traffic for RDP application activity. It detects anomalies by filtering source and destination pairs that generate traffic exceeding twice the standard deviation of the average traffic. This method leverages the Network_Traffic data model to identify unusual patterns indicative of brute force attempts. This activity is significant as it may indicate an attacker attempting to gain unauthorized access to systems via RDP. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access, data exfiltration, or further network compromise.
Common Ransomware Extensions: endpointEndpointrisk_score:902024-12-12version:8
The following analytic detects modifications to files with extensions commonly associated with ransomware. It leverages the Endpoint.Filesystem data model to identify changes in file extensions that match known ransomware patterns. This activity is significant because it suggests an attacker is attempting to encrypt or alter files, potentially leading to severe data loss and operational disruption. If confirmed malicious, this activity could result in the encryption of critical data, rendering it inaccessible and causing significant damage to the organization's data integrity and availability.
Windows ClipBoard Data via Get-ClipBoard: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the execution of the PowerShell command 'Get-Clipboard' to retrieve clipboard data. It leverages PowerShell Script Block Logging (EventCode 4104) to identify instances where this command is used. This activity is significant because it can indicate an attempt to steal sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, or other confidential data copied to the clipboard. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could lead to unauthorized access to sensitive information, potentially compromising user accounts and other critical assets.
Windows System Network Connections Discovery Netsh: endpointEndpointrisk_score:92024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the execution of the Windows built-in tool netsh.exe to display the state, configuration, and profile of the host firewall. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions and process metadata. Monitoring this activity is crucial as netsh.exe can be used by adversaries to bypass firewall rules or discover firewall settings. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to manipulate firewall configurations, potentially leading to unauthorized network access or data exfiltration.
Modification Of Wallpaper: endpointEndpointrisk_score:542024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the modification of registry keys related to the desktop wallpaper settings. It leverages Sysmon EventCode 13 to identify changes to the "Control Panel\\Desktop\\Wallpaper" and "Control Panel\\Desktop\\WallpaperStyle" registry keys, especially when the modifying process is not explorer.exe or involves suspicious file paths like temp or public directories. This activity is significant as it can indicate ransomware behavior, such as the REVIL ransomware, which changes the wallpaper to display a ransom note. If confirmed malicious, this could signify a compromised machine and the presence of ransomware, leading to potential data encryption and extortion.
Windows Event Log Cleared: endpointEndpointrisk_score:702024-11-28version:11
The following analytic detects the clearing of Windows event logs by identifying Windows Security Event ID 1102 or System log event 104. This detection leverages Windows event logs to monitor for log clearing activities. Such behavior is significant as it may indicate an attempt to cover tracks after malicious activities. If confirmed malicious, this action could hinder forensic investigations and allow attackers to persist undetected, making it crucial to investigate further and correlate with other alerts and data sources.
Common Ransomware Notes: endpointEndpointrisk_score:902024-10-17version:6
The following analytic detects the creation of files with names commonly associated with ransomware notes. It leverages file-system activity data from the Endpoint Filesystem data model, typically populated by endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools or Sysmon logs. This activity is significant because ransomware notes indicate a potential ransomware attack, which can lead to data encryption and extortion. If confirmed malicious, this activity could result in significant data loss, operational disruption, and financial impact due to ransom demands.
Network Connection Discovery With Arp: endpointEndpointrisk_score:152024-10-17version:3
The following analytic detects the execution of `arp.exe` with the `-a` flag, which is used to list network connections on a compromised system. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names, command-line executions, and related telemetry. Monitoring this activity is significant because both Red Teams and adversaries use `arp.exe` for situational awareness and Active Directory discovery. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to map the network, identify active devices, and plan further lateral movement or attacks.
Excessive Service Stop Attempt: endpointEndpointrisk_score:802024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects multiple attempts to stop or delete services on a system using `net.exe`, `sc.exe`, or `net1.exe`. It leverages Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) telemetry, focusing on process names and command-line executions within a one-minute window. This activity is significant as it may indicate an adversary attempting to disable security or critical services to evade detection and further their objectives. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to the attacker gaining persistence, escalating privileges, or disrupting essential services, thereby compromising the system's security posture.
Powershell Enable SMB1Protocol Feature: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the enabling of the SMB1 protocol via `powershell.exe`. It leverages PowerShell script block logging (EventCode 4104) to identify the execution of the `Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature` cmdlet with the `SMB1Protocol` parameter. This activity is significant because enabling SMB1 can facilitate lateral movement and file encryption by ransomware, such as RedDot. If confirmed malicious, this action could allow an attacker to propagate through the network, encrypt files, and potentially disrupt business operations.
ICACLS Grant Command: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-12-06version:4
The following analytic detects the use of the ICACLS command to grant additional access permissions to files or directories. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on specific process names and command-line arguments. This activity is significant because it is commonly used by Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) and coinminer scripts to evade detection and maintain control over compromised systems. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to manipulate file permissions, potentially leading to unauthorized access, data exfiltration, or further system compromise.
Windows Disable LogOff Button Through Registry: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-12-08version:7
The following analytic detects a suspicious registry modification that disables the logoff feature on a Windows host. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model to identify changes to specific registry values associated with logoff functionality. This activity is significant because it can indicate ransomware attempting to make the compromised host unusable and hinder remediation efforts. If confirmed malicious, this action could prevent users from logging off, complicate incident response, and allow attackers to maintain persistence and control over the affected system.
WinEvent Windows Task Scheduler Event Action Started: endpointEndpointrisk_score:802024-10-24version:5
The following analytic detects the execution of tasks registered in Windows Task Scheduler by monitoring EventID 200 (action run) and 201 (action completed) from the Task Scheduler logs. This detection leverages Task Scheduler logs to identify potentially suspicious or unauthorized task executions. Monitoring these events is significant for a SOC as it helps uncover evasive techniques used for persistence, unauthorized code execution, or other malicious activities. If confirmed malicious, this activity could lead to unauthorized access, data exfiltration, or the execution of harmful payloads, posing a significant threat to the environment.
Excessive File Deletion In WinDefender Folder: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects excessive file deletion events in the Windows Defender folder. It leverages Sysmon EventCodes 23 and 26 to identify processes deleting multiple files within this directory. This behavior is significant as it may indicate an attempt to corrupt or disable Windows Defender, a key security component. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow an attacker to disable endpoint protection, facilitating further malicious actions without detection.
SearchProtocolHost with no Command Line with Network: endpointEndpointrisk_score:702024-11-28version:6
The following analytic detects instances of searchprotocolhost.exe running without command line arguments but with an active network connection. This behavior is identified using Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) telemetry, focusing on process execution and network traffic data. It is significant because searchprotocolhost.exe typically runs with specific command line arguments, and deviations from this norm can indicate malicious activity, such as Cobalt Strike usage. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to establish network connections for command and control, potentially leading to data exfiltration or further system compromise.
USN Journal Deletion: endpointEndpointrisk_score:452024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the deletion of the USN Journal using the fsutil.exe utility. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs that include command-line details. This activity is significant because the USN Journal maintains a log of all changes made to files on the disk, and its deletion can be an indicator of an attempt to cover tracks or hinder forensic investigations. If confirmed malicious, this action could allow an attacker to obscure their activities, making it difficult to trace file modifications and potentially compromising incident response efforts.
Deleting Shadow Copies: endpointEndpointrisk_score:812024-11-28version:8
The following analytic detects the deletion of shadow copies using the vssadmin.exe or wmic.exe utilities. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line arguments. This activity is significant because deleting shadow copies is a common tactic used by attackers to prevent recovery and hide their tracks. If confirmed malicious, this action could hinder incident response efforts and allow attackers to maintain persistence and cover their activities, making it crucial for security teams to investigate promptly.
Windows Rundll32 Apply User Settings Changes: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the execution of a suspicious rundll32 command line that updates user-specific system parameters, such as desktop backgrounds, display settings, and visual themes. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions involving "user32.dll,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters." This activity is significant as it is uncommon for legitimate purposes and has been observed in Rhysida Ransomware for defense evasion. If confirmed malicious, this could allow an attacker to disguise activities or make unauthorized system changes, potentially leading to persistent unauthorized access.
Recursive Delete of Directory In Batch CMD: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects the execution of a batch command designed to recursively delete files or directories, a technique often used by ransomware like Reddot to delete files in the recycle bin and prevent recovery. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions that include specific flags for recursive and quiet deletions. This activity is significant as it indicates potential ransomware behavior aimed at data destruction. If confirmed malicious, it could lead to significant data loss and hinder recovery efforts, severely impacting business operations.
Impacket Lateral Movement smbexec CommandLine Parameters: endpointEndpointrisk_score:632024-11-28version:4
The following analytic identifies suspicious command-line parameters associated with the use of Impacket's smbexec.py for lateral movement. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on specific command-line patterns indicative of Impacket tool usage. This activity is significant as both Red Teams and adversaries use Impacket for remote code execution and lateral movement. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to execute commands on remote endpoints, potentially leading to unauthorized access, data exfiltration, or further compromise of the network.
Windows NirSoft AdvancedRun: endpointEndpointrisk_score:602024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of AdvancedRun.exe, a tool with capabilities similar to remote administration programs like PsExec. It identifies the process by its name or original file name and flags common command-line arguments. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process and command-line telemetry. Monitoring this activity is crucial as AdvancedRun can be used for remote code execution and configuration-based automation. If malicious, this could allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands, escalate privileges, or maintain persistence within the environment.
Resize ShadowStorage volume: endpointEndpointrisk_score:722024-11-28version:4
The following analytic identifies the resizing of shadow storage volumes, a technique used by ransomware like CLOP to prevent the recreation of shadow volumes. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions involving "vssadmin.exe" with parameters related to resizing shadow storage. This activity is significant as it indicates an attempt to hinder recovery efforts by manipulating shadow copies. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to successful ransomware deployment, making data recovery difficult and increasing the potential for data loss.
Windows AdFind Exe: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-10-17version:6
The following analytic identifies the execution of `adfind.exe` with specific command-line arguments related to Active Directory queries. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names, command-line arguments, and parent processes. This activity is significant because `adfind.exe` is a powerful tool often used by threat actors like Wizard Spider and FIN6 to gather sensitive AD information. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to map the AD environment, facilitating further attacks such as privilege escalation or lateral movement.
Detect Zerologon via Zeek: networkNetworkrisk_score:252024-10-17version:3
The following analytic detects attempts to exploit the Zerologon CVE-2020-1472 vulnerability via Zeek RPC. It leverages Zeek DCE-RPC data to identify specific operations: NetrServerPasswordSet2, NetrServerReqChallenge, and NetrServerAuthenticate3. This activity is significant because it indicates an attempt to gain unauthorized access to a domain controller, potentially leading to a complete takeover of an organization's IT infrastructure. If confirmed malicious, the impact could be severe, including data theft, ransomware deployment, or other devastating outcomes. Immediate investigation of the identified IP addresses and RPC operations is crucial.
Windows Indirect Command Execution Via Series Of Forfiles: endpointEndpointrisk_score:92024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects excessive usage of the forfiles.exe process, which is often indicative of post-exploitation activities. The detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs that include process GUID, process name, and parent process. This activity is significant because forfiles.exe can be abused to execute commands on multiple files, a technique used by ransomware like Prestige. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to enumerate files, potentially leading to data exfiltration or further malicious actions.
Windows New Custom Security Descriptor Set On EventLog Channel: endpointEndpointrisk_score:642024-12-06version:1
The following analytic detects suspicious modifications to the EventLog security descriptor registry value for defense evasion. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, focusing on changes to the "CustomSD" value within the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\<Channel>\CustomSD" path. This activity is significant as changes to the access permissions of the event log could blind security products and help attackers evade defenses. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to block users and security products from viewing, ingesting and interacting event logs.
Windows connhost exe started forcefully: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-10-17version:4
The search looks for the Console Window Host process (connhost.exe) executed using the force flag -ForceV1. This is not regular behavior in the Windows OS and is often seen executed by the Ryuk Ransomware. DEPRECATED This event is actually seen in the windows 10 client of attack_range_local. After further testing we realized this is not specific to Ryuk.
Powershell Disable Security Monitoring: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-11-26version:6
The following analytic identifies attempts to disable Windows Defender real-time behavior monitoring via PowerShell commands. It detects the use of specific `Set-MpPreference` parameters that disable various security features. This activity is significant as it is commonly used by malware such as RATs, bots, or Trojans to evade detection by disabling antivirus protections. If confirmed malicious, this action could allow an attacker to operate undetected, leading to potential data exfiltration, further system compromise, or persistent access within the environment.
ProxyShell ProxyNotShell Behavior Detected: networkWeb Serverrisk_score:812024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies potential exploitation of Windows Exchange servers via ProxyShell or ProxyNotShell vulnerabilities, followed by post-exploitation activities such as running nltest, Cobalt Strike, Mimikatz, and adding new users. It leverages data from multiple analytic stories, requiring at least five distinct sources to trigger, thus reducing noise. This activity is significant as it indicates a high likelihood of an active compromise, potentially leading to unauthorized access, privilege escalation, and persistent threats within the environment. If confirmed malicious, attackers could gain control over the Exchange server, exfiltrate data, and maintain long-term access.
NLTest Domain Trust Discovery: endpointEndpointrisk_score:152024-12-11version:5
The following analytic identifies the execution of `nltest.exe` with command-line arguments `/domain_trusts` or `/all_trusts` to query Domain Trust information. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs and command-line arguments. This activity is significant as it indicates potential reconnaissance efforts by adversaries to understand domain trust relationships, which can inform their lateral movement strategies. If confirmed malicious, this activity could enable attackers to map out trusted domains, facilitating further compromise and pivoting within the network.
Services Escalate Exe: endpointEndpointrisk_score:762024-11-28version:5
The following analytic identifies the execution of a randomly named binary via `services.exe`, indicative of privilege escalation using Cobalt Strike's `svc-exe`. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process lineage and command-line executions. This activity is significant as it often follows initial access, allowing adversaries to escalate privileges and establish persistence. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could enable attackers to execute arbitrary code, maintain long-term access, and potentially move laterally within the network, posing a severe threat to the organization's security.
Windows Registry Modification for Safe Mode Persistence: endpointEndpointrisk_score:422024-11-14version:7
The following analytic identifies modifications to the SafeBoot registry keys, specifically within the Minimal and Network paths. This detection leverages registry activity logs from endpoint data sources like Sysmon or EDR tools. Monitoring these keys is crucial as adversaries can use them to persist drivers or services in Safe Mode, with Network allowing network connections. If confirmed malicious, this activity could enable attackers to maintain persistence even in Safe Mode, potentially bypassing certain security measures and facilitating further malicious actions.
Unusually Long Command Line: endpointEndpointrisk_score:422024-10-17version:7
The following analytic detects unusually long command lines, which may indicate malicious activity. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on the length of command lines executed on hosts. This behavior is significant because attackers often use obfuscated or complex command lines to evade detection and execute malicious payloads. If confirmed malicious, this activity could lead to data theft, ransomware deployment, or further system compromise. Analysts should investigate the source and content of the command line, inspect relevant artifacts, and review concurrent processes to identify potential threats.
AWS Detect Users creating keys with encrypt policy without MFA: threatAWS Accountrisk_score:252024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the creation of AWS KMS keys with an encryption policy accessible to everyone, including external entities. It leverages AWS CloudTrail logs to identify `CreateKey` or `PutKeyPolicy` events where the `kms:Encrypt` action is granted to all principals. This activity is significant as it may indicate a compromised account, allowing an attacker to misuse the encryption key to target other organizations. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized data encryption, potentially disrupting operations and compromising sensitive information across multiple entities.
Windows Disable Lock Workstation Feature Through Registry: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-12-08version:7
The following analytic detects a suspicious registry modification that disables the Lock Computer feature in Windows. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, specifically monitoring changes to the registry path "*\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System\\DisableLockWorkstation" with a value of "0x00000001". This activity is significant because it prevents users from locking their screens, a tactic often used by malware, including ransomware, to maintain control over compromised systems. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to sustain their presence and execute further malicious actions without user interruption.
Detect malicious requests to exploit JBoss servers: networkWeb Serverrisk_score:252024-10-17version:3
The following analytic identifies malicious HTTP requests targeting the jmx-console in JBoss servers. It detects unusually long URLs, indicative of embedded payloads, by analyzing web server logs for GET or HEAD requests with specific URL patterns and lengths. This activity is significant as it may indicate an attempt to exploit JBoss vulnerabilities, potentially leading to unauthorized remote code execution. If confirmed malicious, attackers could gain control over the server, escalate privileges, and compromise sensitive data, posing a severe threat to the organization's security.
Unknown Process Using The Kerberos Protocol: endpointEndpointrisk_score:362024-09-30version:4
The following analytic identifies a non-lsass.exe process making an outbound connection on port 88, which is typically used by the Kerberos authentication protocol. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process and network traffic logs. This activity is significant because, under normal circumstances, only the lsass.exe process should interact with the Kerberos Distribution Center. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could indicate an adversary attempting to abuse the Kerberos protocol, potentially leading to unauthorized access or lateral movement within the network.
Windows Privilege Escalation User Process Spawn System Process: endpointEndpointrisk_score:802024-11-28version:4
The following analytic detects when a process with low, medium, or high integrity spawns a system integrity process from a user-controlled location. This behavior is indicative of privilege escalation attempts where attackers elevate their privileges to SYSTEM level from a user-controlled process or service. The detection leverages Sysmon data, specifically Event ID 15, to identify such transitions. Monitoring this activity is crucial as it can signify an attacker gaining SYSTEM-level access, potentially leading to full control over the affected system, unauthorized access to sensitive data, and further malicious activities.
Windows Raccine Scheduled Task Deletion: endpointEndpointrisk_score:802024-11-28version:5
The following analytic identifies the deletion of the Raccine Rules Updater scheduled task using the `schtasks.exe` command. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line executions. This activity is significant because adversaries may delete this task to disable Raccine, a tool designed to prevent ransomware attacks. If confirmed malicious, this action could allow ransomware to execute without interference, leading to potential data encryption and loss.
Windows Hide Notification Features Through Registry: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-12-08version:7
The following analytic detects suspicious registry modifications aimed at hiding common Windows notification features on a compromised host. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, focusing on specific registry paths and values. This activity is significant as it is often used by ransomware to obscure visual indicators, increasing the impact of the attack. If confirmed malicious, this could prevent users from noticing critical system alerts, thereby aiding the attacker in maintaining persistence and furthering their malicious activities undetected.
Excessive Usage Of SC Service Utility: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects excessive usage of the `sc.exe` service utility on a host machine. It leverages Sysmon EventCode 1 logs to identify instances where `sc.exe` is executed more frequently than normal within a 15-minute window. This behavior is significant as it is commonly associated with ransomware, cryptocurrency miners, and other malware attempting to create, modify, delete, or disable services, potentially related to security applications or for privilege escalation. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to manipulate critical services, leading to system compromise or disruption of security defenses.
Windows Query Registry Reg Save: endpointEndpointrisk_score:92024-10-17version:3
The following analytic detects the execution of the reg.exe process with the "save" parameter. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs and command-line arguments. This activity is significant because threat actors often use the "reg save" command to dump credentials or test registry modification capabilities on compromised hosts. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to escalate privileges, persist in the environment, or access sensitive information stored in the registry.
Rubeus Command Line Parameters: endpointEndpointrisk_score:362024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the use of Rubeus command line parameters, a toolset for Kerberos attacks within Active Directory environments. It leverages Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) data to identify specific command-line arguments associated with actions like ticket manipulation, kerberoasting, and password spraying. This activity is significant as Rubeus is commonly used by adversaries to exploit Kerberos for privilege escalation and lateral movement. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access, persistence, and potential compromise of sensitive information within the network.
Detect Remote Access Software Usage FileInfo: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of processes with file or code signing attributes from known remote access software within the environment. It leverages Sysmon EventCode 1 data and cross-references a lookup table of remote access utilities such as AnyDesk, GoToMyPC, LogMeIn, and TeamViewer. This activity is significant as adversaries often use these tools to maintain unauthorized remote access. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to persist in the environment, potentially leading to data exfiltration or further compromise of the network.
Allow Network Discovery In Firewall: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects a suspicious modification to the firewall to allow network discovery on a machine. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions involving the 'netsh' command to enable network discovery. This activity is significant because it is commonly used by ransomware, such as REvil and RedDot, to discover and compromise additional machines on the network. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to widespread file encryption across multiple hosts, significantly amplifying the impact of the ransomware attack.
WBAdmin Delete System Backups: endpointEndpointrisk_score:152024-11-26version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of wbadmin.exe with flags that delete backup files, specifically targeting catalog or system state backups. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line arguments. This activity is significant because it is commonly used by ransomware to prevent recovery by deleting system backups. If confirmed malicious, this action could severely hinder recovery efforts, leading to prolonged downtime and potential data loss.
Clear Unallocated Sector Using Cipher App: endpointEndpointrisk_score:902024-11-28version:5
The following analytic detects the execution of `cipher.exe` with the `/w` flag to clear unallocated sectors on a disk. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names, command-line arguments, and parent processes. This activity is significant because it is a technique used by ransomware to prevent forensic recovery of deleted files. If confirmed malicious, this action could hinder incident response efforts by making it impossible to recover critical data, thereby complicating the investigation and remediation process.
Ping Sleep Batch Command: endpointEndpointrisk_score:362024-11-28version:4
The following analytic identifies the execution of ping sleep batch commands. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process and parent process command-line details. This activity is significant as it indicates an attempt to delay malicious code execution, potentially evading detection or sandbox analysis. If confirmed malicious, this technique allows attackers to bypass security measures, making it harder to detect and analyze their activities, thereby increasing the risk of prolonged unauthorized access and potential data exfiltration.
Allow File And Printing Sharing In Firewall: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects the modification of firewall settings to allow file and printer sharing. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions involving 'netsh' commands that enable file and printer sharing. This activity is significant because it can indicate an attempt by ransomware to discover and encrypt files on additional machines connected to the compromised host. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to widespread file encryption across the network, significantly increasing the impact of a ransomware attack.
Prohibited Network Traffic Allowed: networkEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects instances where network traffic, identified by port and transport layer protocol as prohibited in the "lookup_interesting_ports" table, is allowed. It uses the Network_Traffic data model to cross-reference traffic data against predefined security policies. This activity is significant for a SOC as it highlights potential misconfigurations or policy violations that could lead to unauthorized access or data exfiltration. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to bypass network defenses, leading to potential data breaches and compromising the organization's security posture.
Windows RDP Connection Successful: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-10-17version:4
The following analytic detects successful Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connections by monitoring EventCode 1149 from the Windows TerminalServices RemoteConnectionManager Operational log. This detection is significant as successful RDP connections can indicate remote access to a system, which may be leveraged by attackers to control or exfiltrate data. If confirmed malicious, this activity could lead to unauthorized access, data theft, or further lateral movement within the network. Monitoring successful RDP connections is crucial for identifying potential security breaches and mitigating risks promptly.
Windows Modify Registry Reg Restore: endpointEndpointrisk_score:92024-10-17version:3
The following analytic detects the execution of reg.exe with the "restore" parameter, indicating an attempt to restore registry backup data on a host. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs and command-line arguments. This activity is significant as it may indicate post-exploitation actions, such as those performed by tools like winpeas, which use "reg save" and "reg restore" to manipulate registry settings. If confirmed malicious, this could allow an attacker to revert registry changes, potentially bypassing security controls and maintaining persistence.
SMB Traffic Spike - MLTK: networkEndpointrisk_score:252024-10-17version:5
The following analytic identifies spikes in the number of Server Message Block (SMB) connections using the Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK). It leverages the Network_Traffic data model to monitor SMB traffic on ports 139 and 445, applying a machine learning model to detect anomalies. This activity is significant because sudden increases in SMB traffic can indicate lateral movement or data exfiltration attempts by attackers. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could lead to unauthorized access, data theft, or further compromise of the network.
Remote Process Instantiation via WMI: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-09-30version:9
The following analytic detects the execution of wmic.exe with parameters to spawn a process on a remote system. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions and process telemetry mapped to the `Processes` node of the `Endpoint` data model. This activity is significant as WMI can be abused for lateral movement and remote code execution, often used by adversaries and Red Teams. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code on remote systems, facilitating further compromise and lateral spread within the network.
Windows Drivers Loaded by Signature: endpointEndpointrisk_score:422024-10-17version:3
The following analytic identifies all drivers being loaded on Windows systems using Sysmon EventCode 6 (Driver Load). It leverages fields such as driver path, signature status, and hash to detect potentially suspicious drivers. This activity is significant for a SOC as malicious drivers can be used to gain kernel-level access, bypass security controls, or persist in the environment. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code with high privileges, leading to severe system compromise and potential data exfiltration.
Windows Exchange Autodiscover SSRF Abuse: networkWeb Serverrisk_score:722024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects potential abuse of the ProxyShell or ProxyNotShell vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange via Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF). It leverages the Web datamodel to identify suspicious POST requests with specific URI paths and queries related to autodiscover, powershell, and mapi. This activity is significant as it may indicate an attempt to exploit Exchange server vulnerabilities to access internal services or sensitive data. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access, data exfiltration, or further compromise of the network.
Add DefaultUser And Password In Registry: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-12-08version:8
The following analytic detects suspicious registry modifications that implement auto admin logon by adding DefaultUserName and DefaultPassword values. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, specifically monitoring changes to the "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" registry path. This activity is significant because it is associated with BlackMatter ransomware, which uses this technique to automatically log on to compromised hosts and continue encryption after a safe mode boot. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to maintain persistence and further encrypt the network, leading to significant data loss and operational disruption.
Windows DiskCryptor Usage: endpointEndpointrisk_score:352024-10-17version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of DiskCryptor, identified by the process names "dcrypt.exe" or "dcinst.exe". This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and original file names. DiskCryptor is significant because adversaries use it to manually encrypt disks during an operation, potentially leading to data inaccessibility. If confirmed malicious, this activity could result in complete disk encryption, causing data loss and operational disruption. Immediate investigation is required to mitigate potential ransomware attacks.
Scheduled Task Deleted Or Created via CMD: endpointEndpointrisk_score:562024-09-30version:8
The following analytic identifies the creation or deletion of scheduled tasks using the schtasks.exe utility with the -create or -delete flags. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line executions. This activity is significant as it can indicate unauthorized system manipulation or malicious intent, often associated with threat actors like Dragonfly and incidents such as the SUNBURST attack. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to execute code, escalate privileges, or persist within the environment, posing a significant security risk.
Impacket Lateral Movement WMIExec Commandline Parameters: endpointEndpointrisk_score:632024-11-28version:4
The following analytic detects the use of Impacket's `wmiexec.py` tool for lateral movement by identifying specific command-line parameters. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on processes spawned by `wmiprvse.exe` with command-line patterns indicative of Impacket usage. This activity is significant as Impacket tools are commonly used by adversaries for remote code execution and lateral movement within a network. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands on remote systems, potentially leading to further compromise and data exfiltration.
PowerShell 4104 Hunting: endpointEndpointrisk_score:802024-12-11version:8
The following analytic identifies suspicious PowerShell execution using Script Block Logging (EventCode 4104). It leverages specific patterns and keywords within the ScriptBlockText field to detect potentially malicious activities. This detection is significant for SOC analysts as PowerShell is commonly used by attackers for various malicious purposes, including code execution, privilege escalation, and persistence. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands, exfiltrate data, or maintain long-term access to the compromised system, posing a severe threat to the organization's security.
Ntdsutil Export NTDS: endpointEndpointrisk_score:502024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the use of Ntdsutil to export the Active Directory database (NTDS.dit). It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line arguments. This activity is significant because exporting NTDS.dit can be a precursor to offline password cracking, posing a severe security risk. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could gain access to sensitive credentials, potentially leading to unauthorized access and privilege escalation within the network.
Windows Credentials from Password Stores Query: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the execution of the Windows OS tool cmdkey.exe, which is often abused by post-exploitation tools like winpeas, commonly used in ransomware attacks to list stored usernames, passwords, or credentials. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs. This activity is significant as it indicates potential credential harvesting, which can lead to privilege escalation and persistence. If confirmed malicious, attackers could gain unauthorized access to sensitive information and maintain control over compromised systems for further exploitation.
Windows Change Default File Association For No File Ext: endpointEndpointrisk_score:802024-11-28version:4
The following analytic detects attempts to change the default file association for files without an extension to open with Notepad.exe. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on specific command-line patterns and registry modifications. This activity is significant as it can indicate an attempt to manipulate file handling behavior, a technique observed in APT and ransomware attacks like Prestige. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code by tricking users into opening files, potentially leading to system compromise or data exfiltration.
Windows AD Privileged Object Access Activity: endpointEndpointrisk_score:402024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects access attempts to privileged Active Directory objects, such as Domain Admins or Enterprise Admins. It leverages Windows Security Event Code 4662 to identify when these sensitive objects are accessed. This activity is significant because such objects should rarely be accessed by normal users or processes, and unauthorized access attempts may indicate attacker enumeration or lateral movement within the domain. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to escalate privileges, persist in the environment, or gain control over critical domain resources.
Execute Javascript With Jscript COM CLSID: endpointEndpointrisk_score:562024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the execution of JavaScript using the JScript.Encode CLSID (COM Object) by cscript.exe. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names, command-line executions, and parent processes. This activity is significant as it is a known technique used by ransomware, such as Reddot, to execute malicious scripts and potentially disable AMSI (Antimalware Scan Interface). If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code, evade detection, and maintain persistence within the environment.
Bcdedit Command Back To Normal Mode Boot: endpointEndpointrisk_score:352024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the execution of a suspicious `bcdedit` command that reconfigures a host from safe mode back to normal boot. This detection leverages Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) data, focusing on command-line executions involving `bcdedit.exe` with specific parameters. This activity is significant as it may indicate the presence of ransomware, such as BlackMatter, which manipulates boot configurations to facilitate encryption processes. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to maintain control over the boot process, potentially leading to further system compromise and data encryption.
Windows InstallUtil in Non Standard Path: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of InstallUtil.exe from non-standard paths. It leverages Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) data, focusing on process names and original file names outside typical directories. This activity is significant because InstallUtil.exe is often used by attackers to execute malicious code or scripts. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow an attacker to bypass security controls, execute arbitrary code, and potentially gain unauthorized access or persist within the environment.
Detect SharpHound Usage: endpointEndpointrisk_score:242024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects the usage of the SharpHound binary by identifying its original filename, `SharpHound.exe`, and the process name. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process metadata and command-line executions. SharpHound is a tool used for Active Directory enumeration, often by attackers during the reconnaissance phase. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow an attacker to map out the network, identify high-value targets, and plan further attacks, potentially leading to privilege escalation and lateral movement within the environment.
Network Discovery Using Route Windows App: endpointEndpointrisk_score:92024-10-17version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of the `route.exe` Windows application, commonly used for network discovery. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process creation events. This activity is significant because adversaries often use `route.exe` to map network routes and identify potential targets within a network. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to gain insights into network topology, facilitating lateral movement and further exploitation. Note that false positives may occur due to legitimate administrative tasks or automated scripts.
Windows System Network Config Discovery Display DNS: endpointEndpointrisk_score:92024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies the execution of the "ipconfig /displaydns" command, which retrieves DNS reply information using the built-in Windows tool IPConfig. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process command-line executions. Monitoring this activity is significant as threat actors and post-exploitation tools like WINPEAS often abuse this command to gather network information. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to map the network, identify DNS servers, and potentially facilitate further network-based attacks or lateral movement.
Revil Registry Entry: endpointEndpointrisk_score:602024-09-30version:5
The following analytic identifies suspicious modifications in the registry entry, specifically targeting paths used by malware like REVIL. It detects changes in registry paths such as `SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Facebook_Assistant` and `SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\BlackLivesMatter`. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on registry modifications linked to process GUIDs. This activity is significant as it indicates potential malware persistence mechanisms, often used by advanced persistent threats (APTs) and ransomware. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to maintain persistence, encrypt files, and store critical ransomware-related information on compromised hosts.
Suspicious Rundll32 no Command Line Arguments: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects the execution of rundll32.exe without any command line arguments. This behavior is identified using Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) telemetry, focusing on process execution logs. It is significant because rundll32.exe typically requires command line arguments to function properly, and its absence is often associated with malicious activities, such as those performed by Cobalt Strike. If confirmed malicious, this activity could indicate an attempt to execute arbitrary code, potentially leading to credential dumping, unauthorized file writes, or other malicious actions.
Windows Possible Credential Dumping: endpointEndpointrisk_score:642024-09-30version:6
The following analytic detects potential credential dumping by identifying specific GrantedAccess permission requests and CallTrace DLLs targeting the LSASS process. It leverages Sysmon EventCode 10 logs, focusing on access requests to lsass.exe and call traces involving debug and native API DLLs like dbgcore.dll, dbghelp.dll, and ntdll.dll. This activity is significant as credential dumping can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive credentials. If confirmed malicious, attackers could gain elevated privileges and persist within the environment, posing a severe security risk.
Attempted Credential Dump From Registry via Reg exe: endpointEndpointrisk_score:902024-11-28version:11
The following analytic detects the execution of reg.exe with parameters that export registry keys containing hashed credentials. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on command-line executions involving reg.exe or cmd.exe with specific registry paths. This activity is significant because exporting these keys can allow attackers to obtain hashed credentials, which they may attempt to crack offline. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access to sensitive accounts, enabling further compromise and lateral movement within the network.
TOR Traffic: networkEndpointrisk_score:802024-09-30version:5
The following analytic identifies allowed network traffic to The Onion Router (TOR), an anonymity network often exploited for malicious activities. It leverages data from Next Generation Firewalls, using the Network_Traffic data model to detect traffic where the application is TOR and the action is allowed. This activity is significant as TOR can be used to bypass conventional monitoring, facilitating hacking, data breaches, and illicit content dissemination. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access, data exfiltration, and severe compliance violations, compromising the integrity and security of the network.
CMD Echo Pipe - Escalation: endpointEndpointrisk_score:642024-11-28version:6
The following analytic identifies the use of named-pipe impersonation for privilege escalation, commonly associated with Cobalt Strike and similar frameworks. It detects command-line executions where `cmd.exe` uses `echo` to write to a named pipe, such as `cmd.exe /c echo 4sgryt3436 > \\.\Pipe\5erg53`. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process and command-line telemetry. This activity is significant as it indicates potential privilege escalation attempts. If confirmed malicious, attackers could gain elevated privileges, enabling further compromise and persistence within the environment.
Windows WMI Process And Service List: endpointEndpointrisk_score:42024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies suspicious WMI command lines querying for running processes or services. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on specific process and command-line events. This activity is significant as adversaries often use WMI to gather system information and identify services on compromised machines. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to map out the system, identify critical services, and plan further attacks, potentially leading to privilege escalation or persistence within the environment.
Ransomware Notes bulk creation: endpointEndpointrisk_score:812024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies the bulk creation of ransomware notes (e.g., .txt, .html, .hta files) on an infected machine. It leverages Sysmon EventCode 11 to detect multiple instances of these file types being created within a short time frame. This activity is significant as it often indicates an active ransomware attack, where the attacker is notifying the victim of the encryption. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could lead to widespread data encryption, rendering critical files inaccessible and potentially causing significant operational disruption.
Suspicious microsoft workflow compiler rename: endpointEndpointrisk_score:632024-10-17version:7
The following analytic detects the renaming of microsoft.workflow.compiler.exe, a rarely used executable typically located in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319. This detection leverages Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) data, focusing on process names and original file names. This activity is significant because renaming this executable can indicate an attempt to evade security controls. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could use this renamed executable to execute arbitrary code, potentially leading to privilege escalation or persistent access within the environment.
Disable ETW Through Registry: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-12-08version:8
The following analytic detects modifications to the registry that disable the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) feature. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, specifically monitoring changes to the registry path "*\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\.NETFramework\\ETWEnabled" with a value set to "0x00000000". This activity is significant because disabling ETW can allow attackers to evade detection mechanisms, making it harder for security tools to monitor malicious activities. If confirmed malicious, this could enable attackers to execute payloads with minimal alerts, impairing defenses and potentially leading to further compromise of the system.
DLLHost with no Command Line Arguments with Network: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-10-17version:7
The following analytic detects instances of DLLHost.exe running without command line arguments while establishing a network connection. This behavior is identified using Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) telemetry, focusing on process execution and network activity data. It is significant because DLLHost.exe typically runs with specific arguments, and its absence can indicate malicious activity, such as Cobalt Strike usage. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to execute code, move laterally, or exfiltrate data, posing a severe threat to the network's security.
Domain Group Discovery With Net: endpointEndpointrisk_score:152024-12-11version:5
The following analytic identifies the execution of `net.exe` with command-line arguments used to query domain groups, specifically `group /domain`. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line arguments. This activity is significant as it indicates potential reconnaissance efforts by adversaries to enumerate domain groups, which is a common step in Active Directory Discovery. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to gain insights into the domain structure, aiding in further attacks such as privilege escalation or lateral movement.
Suspicious GPUpdate no Command Line Arguments: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects the execution of gpupdate.exe without any command line arguments. This behavior is identified using data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs. It is significant because gpupdate.exe typically runs with specific arguments, and its execution without them is often associated with malicious activities, such as those performed by Cobalt Strike. If confirmed malicious, this activity could indicate an attempt to execute unauthorized commands or scripts, potentially leading to further system compromise or lateral movement within the network.
Suspicious msbuild path: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects the execution of msbuild.exe from a non-standard path. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs that deviate from typical msbuild.exe locations. This activity is significant because msbuild.exe is commonly abused by attackers to execute malicious code, and running it from an unusual path can indicate an attempt to evade detection. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code, potentially leading to system compromise and further malicious activities.
Suspicious SearchProtocolHost no Command Line Arguments: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects instances of searchprotocolhost.exe running without command line arguments. This behavior is unusual and often associated with malicious activities, such as those performed by Cobalt Strike. The detection leverages Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) telemetry, focusing on process execution data. This activity is significant because searchprotocolhost.exe typically runs with specific arguments, and its absence may indicate an attempt to evade detection. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized code execution, potential credential dumping, or other malicious actions within the environment.
Detect Activity Related to Pass the Hash Attacks: accessEndpointrisk_score:492024-10-17version:8
This search looks for specific authentication events from the Windows Security Event logs to detect potential attempts at using the Pass-the-Hash technique. This search is DEPRECATED as it is possible for event code 4624 to generate a high level of noise, as legitimate logon events may also trigger this event code. This can be especially true in environments with high levels of user activity, such as those with many concurrent logons or frequent logon attempts.
Registry Keys Used For Persistence: endpointEndpointrisk_score:762024-12-03version:12
The following analytic identifies modifications to registry keys commonly used for persistence mechanisms. It leverages data from endpoint detection sources like Sysmon or Carbon Black, focusing on specific registry paths known to initiate applications or services during system startup. This activity is significant as unauthorized changes to these keys can indicate attempts to maintain persistence or execute malicious actions upon system boot. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to achieve persistent access, execute arbitrary code, or maintain control over compromised systems, posing a severe threat to system integrity and security.
Executable File Written in Administrative SMB Share: endpointEndpointrisk_score:702024-11-28version:6
The following analytic detects executable files (.exe or .dll) being written to Windows administrative SMB shares (Admin$, IPC$, C$). It leverages Windows Security Event Logs with EventCode 5145 to identify this activity. This behavior is significant as it is commonly used by tools like PsExec/PaExec for staging binaries before creating and starting services on remote endpoints, a technique often employed for lateral movement and remote code execution. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code remotely, potentially compromising additional systems within the network.
Process Deleting Its Process File Path: endpointEndpointrisk_score:602024-09-30version:4
The following analytic identifies a process attempting to delete its own file path, a behavior often associated with defense evasion techniques. This detection leverages Sysmon EventCode 1 logs, focusing on command lines executed via cmd.exe that include deletion commands. This activity is significant as it may indicate malware, such as Clop ransomware, trying to evade detection by removing its executable file if certain conditions are met. If confirmed malicious, this could allow the attacker to persist undetected, complicating incident response and remediation efforts.
CMLUA Or CMSTPLUA UAC Bypass: endpointEndpointrisk_score:802024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the use of COM objects like CMLUA or CMSTPLUA to bypass User Account Control (UAC). It leverages Sysmon EventCode 7 to identify the loading of specific DLLs (CMLUA.dll, CMSTPLUA.dll, CMLUAUTIL.dll) by processes not typically associated with these libraries. This activity is significant as it indicates an attempt to gain elevated privileges, a common tactic used by ransomware adversaries. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to execute code with administrative rights, leading to potential system compromise and further malicious activities.
Suspicious Driver Loaded Path: endpointEndpointrisk_score:632024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the loading of drivers from suspicious paths, which is a technique often used by malicious software such as coin miners (e.g., xmrig). It leverages Sysmon EventCode 6 to identify drivers loaded from non-standard directories. This activity is significant because legitimate drivers typically reside in specific system directories, and deviations may indicate malicious activity. If confirmed malicious, this could allow an attacker to execute code at the kernel level, potentially leading to privilege escalation, persistence, or further system compromise.
Permission Modification using Takeown App: endpointEndpointrisk_score:562024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the modification of file or directory permissions using the takeown.exe Windows application. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs that include process GUID, process name, and command-line details. This activity is significant because it is a common technique used by ransomware to take ownership of files or folders for encryption or deletion. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access, data encryption, or data destruction, severely impacting the integrity and availability of critical data.
Rundll32 LockWorkStation: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of the rundll32.exe command with the user32.dll,LockWorkStation parameter, which is used to lock the workstation via command line. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line executions. This activity is significant as it is an uncommon method to lock a screen and has been observed in CONTI ransomware tooling for defense evasion. If confirmed malicious, this technique could indicate an attempt to evade detection and hinder incident response efforts.
Windows PowerView Unconstrained Delegation Discovery: endpointEndpointrisk_score:352024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the use of PowerView commandlets to discover Windows endpoints with Kerberos Unconstrained Delegation. It leverages PowerShell Script Block Logging (EventCode=4104) to identify specific commands like `Get-DomainComputer` or `Get-NetComputer` with the `-Unconstrained` parameter. This activity is significant as it indicates potential reconnaissance efforts by adversaries or Red Teams to map out privileged delegation settings in Active Directory. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to identify high-value targets for further exploitation, potentially leading to privilege escalation or lateral movement within the network.
Spike in File Writes: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-10-17version:5
The following analytic detects a sharp increase in the number of files written to a specific host. It leverages the Endpoint.Filesystem data model, focusing on 'created' actions and comparing current file write counts against historical averages and standard deviations. This activity is significant as a sudden spike in file writes can indicate malicious activities such as ransomware encryption or data exfiltration. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could lead to significant data loss, system compromise, or further propagation of malware within the network.
Windows DotNet Binary in Non Standard Path: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of native .NET binaries from non-standard directories within the Windows operating system. It leverages Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) telemetry, comparing process names and original file names against a predefined lookup using the `is_net_windows_file_macro` macro. This activity is significant because adversaries may move .NET binaries to unconventional paths to evade detection and execute malicious code. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code, escalate privileges, or maintain persistence within the environment, posing a significant security risk.
Suspicious DLLHost no Command Line Arguments: endpointEndpointrisk_score:492024-09-30version:6
The following analytic detects instances of DLLHost.exe executing without command line arguments. This behavior is unusual and often associated with malicious activities, such as those performed by Cobalt Strike. The detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process execution logs. This activity is significant because DLLHost.exe typically requires arguments to function correctly, and its absence may indicate an attempt to evade detection. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized actions like credential dumping or file manipulation, posing a severe threat to the environment.
Detect Remote Access Software Usage Process: endpointEndpointrisk_score:252024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the execution of known remote access software within the environment. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and parent processes mapped to the Endpoint data model. This activity is significant as adversaries often use remote access tools like AnyDesk, GoToMyPC, LogMeIn, and TeamViewer to maintain unauthorized access. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to control systems remotely, exfiltrate data, or deploy additional malware, posing a severe threat to the organization's security.