W3WP Spawning Shell: endpointEndpoint2025-02-10version:6
The following analytic identifies instances where a shell (PowerShell.exe or Cmd.exe) is spawned from W3WP.exe, the IIS worker process. This detection leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process creation events where the parent process is W3WP.exe. This activity is significant as it may indicate webshell activity, often associated with exploitation attempts like those by the HAFNIUM Group on Exchange servers. If confirmed malicious, this behavior could allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands, potentially leading to system compromise, data exfiltration, or further lateral movement within the network.
Detect Webshell Exploit Behavior: endpointEndpoint2025-02-10version:8
The following analytic has been deprecated. The following analytic identifies the execution of suspicious processes typically associated with webshell activity on web servers. It detects when processes like `cmd.exe`, `powershell.exe`, or `bash.exe` are spawned by web server processes such as `w3wp.exe` or `nginx.exe`. This behavior is significant as it may indicate an adversary exploiting a web application vulnerability to install a webshell, providing persistent access and command execution capabilities. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to maintain control over the compromised server, execute arbitrary commands, and potentially escalate privileges or exfiltrate sensitive data.
Exchange PowerShell Abuse via SSRF: endpointEndpoint2025-02-19version:6
The following analytic detects suspicious behavior indicative of ProxyShell exploitation against on-premise Microsoft Exchange servers. It identifies HTTP POST requests to `autodiscover.json` containing `PowerShell` in the URI, leveraging server-side request forgery (SSRF) to access backend PowerShell. This detection uses Exchange server logs ingested into Splunk. Monitoring this activity is crucial as it may indicate an attacker attempting to execute commands or scripts on the Exchange server. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access, privilege escalation, or persistent control over the Exchange environment.
Exchange PowerShell Module Usage: endpointEndpoint2025-02-10version:9
The following analytic detects the usage of specific Exchange PowerShell modules, such as New-MailboxExportRequest, New-ManagementRoleAssignment, New-MailboxSearch, and Get-Recipient. It leverages PowerShell Script Block Logging (EventCode 4104) to identify these commands. This activity is significant because these modules can be exploited by adversaries who have gained access via ProxyShell or ProxyNotShell vulnerabilities. If confirmed malicious, attackers could export mailbox contents, assign management roles, conduct mailbox searches, or view recipient objects, potentially leading to data exfiltration, privilege escalation, or unauthorized access to sensitive information.
Windows Suspicious Child Process Spawned From WebServer: endpointEndpoint2025-02-10version:2
The following analytic identifies the execution of suspicious processes typically associated with WebShell activity on web servers. It detects when processes like `cmd.exe`, `powershell.exe`, or `bash.exe` are spawned by web server processes such as `w3wp.exe` or `nginx.exe`. This behavior is significant as it may indicate an adversary exploiting a web application vulnerability to install a WebShell, providing persistent access and command execution capabilities. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to maintain control over the compromised server, execute arbitrary commands, and potentially escalate privileges or exfiltrate sensitive data.
Windows MSExchange Management Mailbox Cmdlet Usage: endpointEndpoint2025-02-10version:5
The following analytic identifies suspicious Cmdlet usage in Exchange Management logs, focusing on commands like New-MailboxExportRequest and New-ManagementRoleAssignment. It leverages EventCode 1 and specific Message patterns to detect potential ProxyShell and ProxyNotShell abuse. This activity is significant as it may indicate unauthorized access or manipulation of mailboxes and roles, which are critical for maintaining email security. If confirmed malicious, attackers could export mailbox data, assign new roles, or search mailboxes, leading to data breaches and privilege escalation.
Detect Exchange Web Shell: endpointEndpoint2025-02-10version:10
The following analytic identifies the creation of suspicious .aspx files in known drop locations for Exchange exploitation, specifically targeting paths associated with HAFNIUM group and vulnerabilities like ProxyShell and ProxyNotShell. It leverages data from the Endpoint datamodel, focusing on process and filesystem events. This activity is significant as it may indicate a web shell deployment, a common method for persistent access and remote code execution. If confirmed malicious, attackers could gain unauthorized access, execute arbitrary commands, and potentially escalate privileges within the Exchange environment.
MS Exchange Mailbox Replication service writing Active Server Pages: endpointEndpoint2025-02-10version:5
The following analytic identifies the creation of suspicious .aspx files in specific directories associated with Exchange exploitation by the HAFNIUM group and the ProxyShell vulnerability. It detects this activity by monitoring the MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe process, which typically does not write .aspx files. This behavior is significant as it may indicate an active exploitation attempt on Exchange servers. If confirmed malicious, attackers could gain unauthorized access, execute arbitrary code, or maintain persistence within the environment. Immediate investigation and remediation are crucial to prevent further compromise.
ProxyShell ProxyNotShell Behavior Detected: networkWeb Server2024-11-15version:4
The following analytic identifies potential exploitation of Windows Exchange servers via ProxyShell or ProxyNotShell vulnerabilities, followed by post-exploitation activities such as running nltest, Cobalt Strike, Mimikatz, and adding new users. It leverages data from multiple analytic stories, requiring at least five distinct sources to trigger, thus reducing noise. This activity is significant as it indicates a high likelihood of an active compromise, potentially leading to unauthorized access, privilege escalation, and persistent threats within the environment. If confirmed malicious, attackers could gain control over the Exchange server, exfiltrate data, and maintain long-term access.
Windows Exchange Autodiscover SSRF Abuse: networkWeb Server2025-01-16version:4
This analytic identifies potential exploitation attempts of ProxyShell (CVE-2021-34473, CVE-2021-34523, CVE-2021-31207) and ProxyNotShell (CVE-2022-41040, CVE-2022-41082) vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Server. The detection focuses on identifying the SSRF attack patterns used in these exploit chains. The analytic monitors for suspicious POST requests to /autodiscover/autodiscover.json endpoints that may indicate attempts to enumerate LegacyDN attributes as part of initial reconnaissance. It also detects requests containing X-Rps-CAT parameters that could indicate attempts to impersonate Exchange users and access the PowerShell backend. Additionally, it looks for MAPI requests that may be used to obtain user SIDs, along with suspicious user agents (particularly Python-based) commonly used in automated exploit attempts. If successful, these attacks can lead to remote code execution as SYSTEM, allowing attackers to deploy webshells, access mailboxes, or gain persistent access to the Exchange server and potentially the broader network environment.