O365 Mailbox Email Forwarding Enabled: threatO365 Tenantrisk_score:422024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies instances where email forwarding has been enabled on mailboxes within an Office 365 environment. It detects this activity by monitoring the Set-Mailbox operation within the o365_management_activity logs, specifically looking for changes to the ForwardingAddress or ForwardingSmtpAddress parameters. This activity is significant as unauthorized email forwarding can lead to data exfiltration and unauthorized access to sensitive information. If confirmed malicious, attackers could intercept and redirect emails, potentially compromising confidential communications and leading to data breaches.
O365 Mailbox Folder Read Permission Assigned: auditO365 Tenantrisk_score:422024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies instances where read permissions are assigned to mailbox folders within an Office 365 environment. It leverages the `o365_management_activity` data source, specifically monitoring the `ModifyFolderPermissions` and `AddFolderPermissions` operations, while excluding Calendar, Contacts, and PersonMetadata objects. This activity is significant as unauthorized read permissions can lead to data exposure and potential information leakage. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could gain unauthorized access to sensitive emails, leading to data breaches and compromising the confidentiality of organizational communications.
O365 Elevated Mailbox Permission Assigned: auditO365 Tenantrisk_score:422024-09-30version:4
The following analytic identifies the assignment of elevated mailbox permissions in an Office 365 environment via the Add-MailboxPermission operation. It leverages logs from the Exchange workload in the o365_management_activity data source, focusing on permissions such as FullAccess, ChangePermission, or ChangeOwner. This activity is significant as it indicates potential unauthorized access or control over mailboxes, which could lead to data exfiltration or privilege escalation. If confirmed malicious, attackers could gain extensive access to sensitive email data and potentially manipulate mailbox settings, posing a severe security risk.
O365 New Forwarding Mailflow Rule Created: auditO365 Tenantrisk_score:422024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the creation of new mail flow rules in Office 365 that may redirect or copy emails to unauthorized or external addresses. It leverages Office 365 Management Activity logs, specifically querying for the "New-TransportRule" operation and parameters like "BlindCopyTo", "CopyTo", and "RedirectMessageTo". This activity is significant as it can indicate potential data exfiltration or unauthorized access to sensitive information. If confirmed malicious, attackers could intercept or redirect email communications, leading to data breaches or information leakage.
O365 Compliance Content Search Exported: identityO365 Tenantrisk_score:422024-09-30version:4
The following analytic identifies when the results of a content search within the Office 365 Security and Compliance Center are exported. It uses the SearchExported operation from the SecurityComplianceCenter workload in the o365_management_activity data source. This activity is significant because exporting search results can involve sensitive or critical organizational data, potentially leading to data exfiltration. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could gain access to and exfiltrate sensitive information, posing a severe risk to the organization's data security and compliance posture.
O365 ApplicationImpersonation Role Assigned: threatO365 Tenantrisk_score:562024-09-30version:3
The following analytic detects the assignment of the ApplicationImpersonation role in Office 365 to a user or application. It uses the Office 365 Management Activity API to monitor Azure Active Directory audit logs for role assignment events. This activity is significant because the ApplicationImpersonation role allows impersonation of any user, enabling access to and modification of their mailbox. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could gain unauthorized access to sensitive information, manipulate mailbox data, and perform actions as a legitimate user, posing a severe security risk to the organization.
O365 PST export alert: threatO365 Tenantrisk_score:482024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects instances where a user has initiated an eDiscovery search or exported a PST file in an Office 365 environment. It leverages Office 365 management activity logs, specifically filtering for events under ThreatManagement with the name "eDiscovery search started or exported." This activity is significant as it may indicate data exfiltration attempts or unauthorized access to sensitive information. If confirmed malicious, it suggests an attacker or insider threat is attempting to gather or exfiltrate data, potentially leading to data breaches, loss of intellectual property, or unauthorized access to confidential communications. Immediate investigation is required.
O365 New Email Forwarding Rule Created: auditO365 Tenantrisk_score:422024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies the creation of new email forwarding rules in an Office 365 environment. It detects events logged under New-InboxRule and Set-InboxRule operations within the o365_management_activity data source, focusing on parameters like ForwardTo, ForwardAsAttachmentTo, and RedirectTo. This activity is significant as unauthorized email forwarding can lead to data exfiltration and unauthorized access to sensitive information. If confirmed malicious, attackers could intercept and redirect emails, potentially compromising confidential communications and leading to data breaches.
O365 Multiple Mailboxes Accessed via API: threatO365 Tenantrisk_score:422024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects when a high number of Office 365 Exchange mailboxes are accessed via API (Microsoft Graph API or Exchange Web Services) within a short timeframe. It leverages 'MailItemsAccessed' operations in Exchange, using AppId and regex to identify API interactions. This activity is significant as it may indicate unauthorized mass email access, potentially signaling data exfiltration or account compromise. If confirmed malicious, attackers could gain access to sensitive information, leading to data breaches and further exploitation of compromised accounts. The threshold is set to flag over five unique mailboxes accessed within 10 minutes, but should be tailored to your environment.
O365 Suspicious Admin Email Forwarding: threatO365 Tenantrisk_score:482024-10-17version:2
**DEPRECATION NOTE** - This search has been deprecated and replaced with `O365 Mailbox Email Forwarding Enabled`. This search detects when an admin configured a forwarding rule for multiple mailboxes to the same destination.
O365 Email Suspicious Behavior Alert: threatO365 Tenantrisk_score:902024-09-30version:2
The following analytic identifies when one of O365 the built-in security detections for suspicious email behaviors are triggered. These alerts often indicate that an attacker may have compromised a mailbox within the environment. Any detections from built-in Office 365 capabilities should be monitored and responded to appropriately. Certain premium Office 365 capabilities further enhance these detection and response functions.
O365 OAuth App Mailbox Access via Graph API: threatO365 Tenantrisk_score:422024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects when emails are accessed in Office 365 Exchange via the Microsoft Graph API using the client ID '00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'. It leverages the 'MailItemsAccessed' operation within the Exchange workload, focusing on OAuth-authenticated applications. This activity is significant as unauthorized access to emails can lead to data breaches and information theft. If confirmed malicious, attackers could exfiltrate sensitive information, compromise user accounts, and further infiltrate the organization’s network.
O365 New Email Forwarding Rule Enabled: auditO365 Tenantrisk_score:422024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies the creation of new email forwarding rules in an Office 365 environment via the UpdateInboxRules operation. It leverages Office 365 management activity events to detect rules that forward emails to external recipients by examining the OperationProperties for specific forwarding actions. This activity is significant as it may indicate unauthorized email redirection, potentially leading to data exfiltration. If confirmed malicious, attackers could intercept sensitive communications, leading to data breaches and information leakage.
O365 Suspicious Rights Delegation: threatO365 Tenantrisk_score:482024-10-17version:3
**DEPRECATION NOTE** - This search has been deprecated and replaced with `O365 Elevated Mailbox Permission Assigned`. This analytic identifies instances where potentially suspicious rights are delegated within the Office 365 environment. Specifically, it detects when a user is granted FullAccess, SendAs, or SendOnBehalf permissions on another users mailbox. Such permissions can allow a user to access, send emails from, or send emails on behalf of the target mailbox. The detection leverages O365 audit logs, focusing on the Add-MailboxPermission operation. By parsing the parameters of this operation, the analytic filters for events where FullAccess, SendAs, or SendOnBehalf rights are granted. It then aggregates this data to capture the source user (who was granted the permissions), the destination user (whose mailbox was affected), the specific operation, and the type of access rights granted. Delegating mailbox rights, especially those as powerful as FullAccess, can pose significant security risks. While there are legitimate scenarios for these permissions, such as an executive assistant needing access to an executives mailbox, there are also malicious scenarios where an attacker or a compromised insider might grant themselves unauthorized access to sensitive mailboxes. Monitoring for these permissions changes is crucial to detect potential insider threats, compromised accounts, or other malicious activities.If the detection is a true positive, it indicates that a user has been granted potentially high-risk permissions on another users mailbox. This could lead to unauthorized access to sensitive emails, impersonation through sending emails as or on behalf of the mailbox owner, or data manipulation by altering or deleting emails. Immediate investigation is required to validate the legitimacy of the permission change and to assess the potential risks associated with the granted access.
O365 Mailbox Folder Read Permission Granted: auditO365 Tenantrisk_score:422024-09-30version:4
The following analytic identifies instances where read permissions are granted to mailbox folders within an Office 365 environment. It detects this activity by monitoring the `o365_management_activity` data source for the `Set-MailboxFolderPermission` and `Add-MailboxFolderPermission` operations. This behavior is significant as it may indicate unauthorized access or changes to mailbox folder permissions, potentially exposing sensitive email content. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could gain unauthorized access to read email communications, leading to data breaches or information leakage.
O365 OAuth App Mailbox Access via EWS: threatO365 Tenantrisk_score:422024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects when emails are accessed in Office 365 Exchange via Exchange Web Services (EWS) using OAuth-authenticated applications. It leverages the ClientInfoString field to identify EWS interactions and aggregates metrics such as access counts, timing, and client IP addresses, categorized by user, ClientAppId, OperationCount, and AppId. Monitoring OAuth applications accessing emails through EWS is crucial for identifying potential abuse or unauthorized data access. If confirmed malicious, this activity could lead to unauthorized email access, data exfiltration, or further compromise of sensitive information.
O365 Compliance Content Search Started: auditO365 Tenantrisk_score:422024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects when a content search is initiated within the Office 365 Security and Compliance Center. It leverages the SearchCreated operation from the o365_management_activity logs under the SecurityComplianceCenter workload. This activity is significant as it may indicate an attempt to access sensitive organizational data, including emails and documents. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized data access, potential data exfiltration, and compliance violations. Monitoring this behavior helps ensure the integrity and security of organizational data.
O365 Suspicious User Email Forwarding: threatO365 Tenantrisk_score:482024-10-17version:3
**DEPRECATION NOTE** - This search has been deprecated and replaced with `O365 Mailbox Email Forwarding Enabled`. The following analytic detects when multiple users have configured a forwarding rule to the same destination to proactively identify and investigate potential security risks related to email forwarding and take appropriate actions to protect the organizations data and prevent unauthorized access or data breaches. This detection is made by a Splunk query to O365 management activity logs with the operation `Set-Mailbox` to gather information about mailbox configurations. Then, the query uses the `spath` function to extract the parameters and rename the "Identity" field as "src_user" and searches for entries where the "ForwardingSmtpAddress" field is not empty, which indicates the presence of a forwarding rule. Next, the analytic uses the `stats` command to group the results by the forwarding email address and count the number of unique source users (`src_user`). Finally, it filters the results and only retains entries where the count of source users (`count_src_user`) is greater than 1, which indicates that multiple users have set up forwarding rules to the same destination. This detection is important because it suggests that multiple users are forwarding emails to the same destination without proper authorization, which can lead to the exposure of sensitive information, loss of data control, or unauthorized access to confidential emails. Investigating and addressing this issue promptly can help prevent data breaches and mitigate potential damage.indicates a potential security risk since multiple users forwarding emails to the same destination can be a sign of unauthorized access, data exfiltration, or a compromised account. Additionally, it also helps to determine if the forwarding rules are legitimate or if they indicate a security incident. False positives can occur if there are legitimate reasons for multiple users to forward emails to the same destination, such as a shared mailbox or a team collaboration scenario. Next steps include further investigation and context analysis to determine the legitimacy of the forwarding rules.