Abnormally High Number Of Cloud Infrastructure API Calls: networkAWS Instance2025-02-10version:6
The following analytic detects a spike in the number of API calls made to your cloud infrastructure by a user. It leverages cloud infrastructure logs and compares the current API call volume against a baseline probability density function to identify anomalies. This activity is significant because an unusual increase in API calls can indicate potential misuse or compromise of cloud resources. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access, data exfiltration, or disruption of cloud services, posing a significant risk to the organization's cloud environment.
Detect Password Spray Attempts: accessEndpoint2025-02-10version:6
This analytic employs the 3-sigma approach to detect an unusual volume of failed authentication attempts from a single source. A password spray attack is a type of brute force attack where an attacker tries a few common passwords across many different accounts to avoid detection and account lockouts. By utilizing the Authentication Data Model, this detection is effective for all CIM-mapped authentication events, providing comprehensive coverage and enhancing security against these attacks.
Detect AWS Console Login by User from New City: threatAWS Instance2025-02-10version:6
The following analytic identifies AWS console login events by users from a new city within the last hour. It leverages AWS CloudTrail events and compares them against a lookup file of previously seen user locations. This activity is significant for a SOC as it may indicate unauthorized access or credential compromise, especially if the login originates from an unusual location. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access to AWS resources, data exfiltration, or further exploitation within the cloud environment.
PingID Mismatch Auth Source and Verification Response: accessIdentity2025-01-21version:5
The following analytic identifies discrepancies between the IP address of an authentication event and the IP address of the verification response event, focusing on differences in the originating countries. It leverages JSON logs from PingID, comparing the 'auth_Country' and 'verify_Country' fields. This activity is significant as it may indicate suspicious sign-in behavior, such as account compromise or unauthorized access attempts. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to bypass authentication mechanisms, potentially leading to unauthorized access to sensitive systems and data.
Azure AD New MFA Method Registered For User: identityAzure Active Directory2025-02-10version:7
The following analytic detects the registration of a new Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) method for an Azure AD account. It leverages Azure AD AuditLogs to identify when a user registers new security information. This activity is significant because adversaries who gain unauthorized access to an account may add their own MFA method to maintain persistence. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to bypass existing security controls, maintain long-term access, and potentially escalate their privileges within the environment.
PingID New MFA Method After Credential Reset: accessIdentity2025-01-21version:4
The following analytic identifies the provisioning of a new MFA device shortly after a password reset. It detects this activity by correlating Windows Event Log events for password changes (EventID 4723, 4724) with PingID logs indicating device pairing. This behavior is significant as it may indicate a social engineering attack where a threat actor impersonates a valid user to reset credentials and add a new MFA device. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow an attacker to gain persistent access to the compromised account, bypassing traditional security measures.
AWS Successful Console Authentication From Multiple IPs: threatAWS Account2024-11-14version:6
The following analytic detects an AWS account successfully authenticating from multiple unique IP addresses within a 5-minute window. It leverages AWS CloudTrail logs, specifically monitoring `ConsoleLogin` events and counting distinct source IPs. This behavior is significant as it may indicate compromised credentials, potentially from a phishing attack, being used concurrently by an adversary and a legitimate user. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow unauthorized access to corporate resources, leading to data breaches or further exploitation within the AWS environment.
Azure AD Service Principal Enumeration: identityAzure Tenant2025-01-06version:2
This detection leverages azure graph activity logs to identify when graph APIs have been used to identify 10 or more service principals. This type of behaviour is associated with tools such as Azure enumberation tools such as AzureHound or ROADtools.
AWS Concurrent Sessions From Different Ips: threatAWS Account2024-11-14version:5
The following analytic identifies an AWS IAM account with concurrent sessions originating from more than one unique IP address within a 5-minute window. It leverages AWS CloudTrail logs, specifically the `DescribeEventAggregates` event, to detect this behavior. This activity is significant as it may indicate a session hijacking attack, where an adversary uses stolen session cookies to access AWS resources from a different location. If confirmed malicious, this could allow unauthorized access to sensitive corporate resources, leading to potential data breaches or further exploitation within the AWS environment.
AWS Console Login Failed During MFA Challenge: threatAWS Account2025-02-10version:5
The following analytic identifies failed authentication attempts to the AWS Console during the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) challenge. It leverages AWS CloudTrail logs, specifically the `additionalEventData` field, to detect when MFA was used but the login attempt still failed. This activity is significant as it may indicate an adversary attempting to access an account with compromised credentials but being thwarted by MFA. If confirmed malicious, this could suggest an ongoing attempt to breach the account, potentially leading to unauthorized access and further attacks if MFA is bypassed.
ASL AWS Password Policy Changes: threatAWS Account2024-11-14version:3
This search looks for AWS CloudTrail events from Amazon Security Lake where a user is making successful API calls to view/update/delete the existing password policy in an AWS organization. It is unlikely for a regular user to conduct this operation. These events may potentially be malicious, adversaries often use this information to gain more understanding of the password defenses in place and exploit them to increase their attack surface when a user account is compromised.
Azure AD High Number Of Failed Authentications For User: identityAzure Tenant2025-02-10version:7
The following analytic identifies an Azure AD account experiencing more than 20 failed authentication attempts within a 10-minute window. This detection leverages Azure SignInLogs data, specifically monitoring for error code 50126 and unsuccessful authentication attempts. This behavior is significant as it may indicate a brute force attack targeting the account. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could potentially gain unauthorized access, leading to data breaches or further exploitation within the environment. Security teams should adjust the threshold based on their specific environment to reduce false positives.
Detect AWS Console Login by User from New Country: threatAWS Instance2025-02-10version:6
The following analytic identifies AWS console login events by users from a new country. It leverages AWS CloudTrail events and compares them against a lookup file of previously seen users and their login locations. This activity is significant because logins from new countries can indicate potential unauthorized access or compromised accounts. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access to AWS resources, data exfiltration, or further exploitation within the AWS environment.
AWS Multiple Users Failing To Authenticate From Ip: threatAWS Account2025-02-10version:5
The following analytic identifies a single source IP failing to authenticate into the AWS Console with 30 unique valid users within 10 minutes. It leverages CloudTrail logs to detect multiple failed login attempts from the same IP address. This behavior is significant as it may indicate a Password Spraying attack, where an adversary attempts to gain unauthorized access or elevate privileges by trying common passwords across many accounts. If confirmed malicious, this activity could lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, or further exploitation within the AWS environment.
PingID New MFA Method Registered For User: accessIdentity2025-01-21version:4
The following analytic detects the registration of a new Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) method for a PingID (PingOne) account. It leverages JSON logs from PingID, specifically looking for successful device pairing events. This activity is significant as adversaries who gain unauthorized access to a user account may register a new MFA method to maintain persistence. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to bypass existing security measures, maintain long-term access, and potentially escalate their privileges within the compromised environment.
Windows Remote Desktop Network Bruteforce Attempt: networkEndpoint2025-02-11version:2
The following analytic identifies potential Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) brute force attacks by monitoring network traffic for RDP application activity. This query detects potential RDP brute force attacks by identifying source IPs that have made more than 10 connection attempts to the same RDP port on a host within a one-hour window. The results are presented in a table that includes the source and destination IPs, destination port, number of attempts, and the times of the first and last connection attempts, helping to prioritize IPs based on the intensity of activity.
Detect AWS Console Login by User from New Region: threatAWS Instance2025-02-10version:6
The following analytic identifies AWS console login attempts by users from a new region. It leverages AWS CloudTrail events and compares current login regions against a baseline of previously seen regions for each user. This activity is significant as it may indicate unauthorized access attempts or compromised credentials. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could gain unauthorized access to AWS resources, potentially leading to data breaches, resource manipulation, or further lateral movement within the cloud environment.
Detect Password Spray Attack Behavior On User: accessAccount2025-02-10version:5
The following analytic identifies any user failing to authenticate from 10 or more unique sources. This behavior could represent an adversary performing a Password Spraying attack to obtain initial access or elevate privileges. This logic can be used for real time security monitoring as well as threat hunting exercises. Environments can be very different depending on the organization. Test and customize this detections thresholds as needed
Azure AD Concurrent Sessions From Different Ips: threatAzure Tenant2024-11-14version:7
The following analytic detects an Azure AD account with concurrent sessions originating from multiple unique IP addresses within a 5-minute window. It leverages Azure Active Directory NonInteractiveUserSignInLogs to identify this behavior by analyzing successful authentication events and counting distinct source IPs. This activity is significant as it may indicate session hijacking, where an attacker uses stolen session cookies to access corporate resources from a different location. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access to sensitive information and potential data breaches.
Remote Desktop Network Bruteforce: networkEndpoint2025-01-10version:7
The following analytic has been deprecated in favor of "Windows Remote Desktop Network Bruteforce Attempt". The following analytic identifies potential Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) brute force attacks by monitoring network traffic for RDP application activity. This query detects potential RDP brute force attacks by identifying source IPs that have made more than 10 successful connection attempts to the same RDP port on a host within a one-hour window. The results are presented in a table that includes the source and destination IPs, destination port, number of attempts, and the times of the first and last connection attempts, helping to prioritize IPs based on the intensity of activity.
AWS Password Policy Changes: threatAWS Account2024-11-14version:4
The following analytic detects successful API calls to view, update, or delete the password policy in an AWS organization. It leverages AWS CloudTrail logs to identify events such as "UpdateAccountPasswordPolicy," "GetAccountPasswordPolicy," and "DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy." This activity is significant because it is uncommon for regular users to perform these actions, and such changes can indicate an adversary attempting to understand or weaken password defenses. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to compromised accounts and increased attack surface, potentially allowing unauthorized access and control over AWS resources.
Detect Distributed Password Spray Attempts: accessEndpoint2025-02-10version:4
This analytic employs the 3-sigma approach to identify distributed password spray attacks. A distributed password spray attack is a type of brute force attack where the attacker attempts a few common passwords against many different accounts, connecting from multiple IP addresses to avoid detection. By utilizing the Authentication Data Model, this detection is effective for all CIM-mapped authentication events, providing comprehensive coverage and enhancing security against these attacks.
ASL AWS Concurrent Sessions From Different Ips: threatAWS Account2024-11-14version:6
The following analytic identifies an AWS IAM account with concurrent sessions originating from more than one unique IP address within a 5-minute span. This detection leverages AWS CloudTrail logs, specifically the `DescribeEventAggregates` API call, to identify multiple IP addresses associated with the same user session. This behavior is significant as it may indicate a session hijacking attack, where an adversary uses stolen session cookies to access AWS resources from a different location. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow unauthorized access to sensitive corporate resources, leading to potential data breaches or further exploitation.
Detect Password Spray Attack Behavior From Source: accessAccount2025-02-10version:5
The following analytic identifies one source failing to authenticate with 10 or more unique users. This behavior could represent an adversary performing a Password Spraying attack to obtain initial access or elevate privileges. This logic can be used for real time security monitoring as well as threat hunting exercises and works well against any number of data sources ingested into the CIM datamodel. Environments can be very different depending on the organization. Test and customize this detections thresholds if needed.
Azure AD Successful Authentication From Different Ips: identityAzure Tenant2025-02-10version:8
The following analytic detects an Azure AD account successfully authenticating from multiple unique IP addresses within a 30-minute window. It leverages Azure AD SignInLogs to identify instances where the same user logs in from different IPs in a short time frame. This behavior is significant as it may indicate compromised credentials being used by an adversary, potentially following a phishing attack. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow unauthorized access to corporate resources, leading to data breaches or further exploitation within the network.
PingID Multiple Failed MFA Requests For User: accessIdentity2025-01-21version:4
The following analytic identifies multiple failed multi-factor authentication (MFA) requests for a single user within a PingID environment. It triggers when 10 or more MFA prompts fail within 10 minutes, using JSON logs from PingID. This activity is significant as it may indicate an adversary attempting to bypass MFA by bombarding the user with repeated authentication requests. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access, as the user might eventually accept the fraudulent request, compromising the security of the account and potentially the entire network.
Azure AD AzureHound UserAgent Detected: identityAzure Tenant2025-01-06version:2
This detection identifies the presence of the default AzureHound user-agent string within Microsoft Graph Activity logs and NonInteractive SignIn Logs. AzureHound is a tool used for gathering information about Azure Active Directory environments, often employed by security professionals for legitimate auditing purposes. However, it can also be leveraged by malicious actors to perform reconnaissance activities, mapping out the Azure AD infrastructure to identify potential vulnerabilities and targets for further exploitation. Detecting its usage can help in identifying unauthorized access attempts and preemptively mitigating potential security threats to your Azure environment.
AWS High Number Of Failed Authentications For User: threatAWS Account2024-11-14version:4
The following analytic detects an AWS account experiencing more than 20 failed authentication attempts within a 5-minute window. It leverages AWS CloudTrail logs to identify multiple failed ConsoleLogin events. This behavior is significant as it may indicate a brute force attack targeting the account. If confirmed malicious, the attacker could potentially gain unauthorized access, leading to data breaches or further exploitation of the AWS environment. Security teams should consider adjusting the threshold based on their specific environment to reduce false positives.
Azure AD High Number Of Failed Authentications From Ip: identityAzure Tenant2025-02-10version:8
The following analytic detects an IP address with 20 or more failed authentication attempts to an Azure AD tenant within 10 minutes. It leverages Azure AD SignInLogs to identify repeated failed logins from the same IP. This behavior is significant as it may indicate a brute force attack aimed at gaining unauthorized access or escalating privileges. If confirmed malicious, the attacker could potentially compromise user accounts, leading to unauthorized access to sensitive information and resources within the Azure environment.
AWS High Number Of Failed Authentications From Ip: threatAWS Account2025-02-10version:5
The following analytic detects an IP address with 20 or more failed authentication attempts to the AWS Web Console within a 5-minute window. This detection leverages CloudTrail logs, aggregating failed login events by IP address and time span. This activity is significant as it may indicate a brute force attack aimed at gaining unauthorized access or escalating privileges within an AWS environment. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, or further exploitation of AWS resources.