O365 Added Service Principal: threatO365 Tenantrisk_score:422024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects the addition of new service principal accounts in O365 tenants. It leverages data from the `o365_management_activity` dataset, specifically monitoring for operations related to adding or creating service principals. This activity is significant because attackers can exploit service principals to gain unauthorized access and perform malicious actions within an organization's environment. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to interact with APIs, access resources, and execute operations on behalf of the organization, potentially leading to data breaches or further compromise.
Detect Mimikatz Using Loaded Images: endpointWindowsrisk_score:642024-10-17version:2
This search looks for reading loaded Images unique to credential dumping with Mimikatz. Deprecated because mimikatz libraries changed and very noisy sysmon Event Code.
AWS SAML Update identity provider: threatAWS Federated Accountrisk_score:642024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects updates to the SAML provider in AWS. It leverages AWS CloudTrail logs to identify the `UpdateSAMLProvider` event, analyzing fields such as `sAMLProviderArn`, `sourceIPAddress`, and `userIdentity` details. Monitoring updates to the SAML provider is crucial as it may indicate a perimeter compromise of federated credentials or unauthorized backdoor access set by an attacker. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to manipulate identity federation, potentially leading to unauthorized access to cloud resources and sensitive data.
Certutil exe certificate extraction: endpointEndpointrisk_score:632024-11-28version:6
The following analytic identifies the use of certutil.exe with arguments indicating the manipulation or extraction of certificates. It leverages data from Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents, focusing on process names and command-line arguments. This activity is significant because extracting certificates can allow attackers to sign new authentication tokens, particularly in federated environments like Windows ADFS. If confirmed malicious, this could enable attackers to forge authentication tokens, potentially leading to unauthorized access and privilege escalation within the network.
ASL AWS SAML Update identity provider: threatAWS Federated Accountrisk_score:642025-01-09version:1
The following analytic detects updates to the SAML provider in AWS. It leverages AWS CloudTrail logs to identify the `UpdateSAMLProvider` event, analyzing fields such as `sAMLProviderArn`, `sourceIPAddress`, and `userIdentity` details. Monitoring updates to the SAML provider is crucial as it may indicate a perimeter compromise of federated credentials or unauthorized backdoor access set by an attacker. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to manipulate identity federation, potentially leading to unauthorized access to cloud resources and sensitive data.
O365 Excessive SSO logon errors: threatO365 Tenantrisk_score:642024-09-30version:5
The following analytic detects accounts experiencing a high number of Single Sign-On (SSO) logon errors. It leverages data from the `o365_management_activity` dataset, focusing on failed user login attempts with SSO errors. This activity is significant as it may indicate brute-force attempts or the hijacking/reuse of SSO tokens. If confirmed malicious, attackers could potentially gain unauthorized access to user accounts, leading to data breaches, privilege escalation, or further lateral movement within the organization.
Detect Mimikatz Via PowerShell And EventCode 4703: accessWindowsrisk_score:252024-10-17version:4
This search looks for PowerShell requesting privileges consistent with credential dumping. Deprecated, looks like things changed from a logging perspective.
O365 Add App Role Assignment Grant User: threatO365 Tenantrisk_score:182024-09-30version:4
The following analytic detects the addition of an application role assignment grant to a user in Office 365. It leverages data from the `o365_management_activity` dataset, specifically monitoring the "Add app role assignment grant to user" operation. This activity is significant as it can indicate unauthorized privilege escalation or the assignment of sensitive roles to users. If confirmed malicious, this could allow an attacker to gain elevated permissions, potentially leading to unauthorized access to critical resources and data within the Office 365 environment.
AWS SAML Access by Provider User and Principal: threatAWS Federated Accountrisk_score:642024-09-30version:3
The following analytic identifies specific SAML access events by a service provider, user, and targeted principal within AWS. It leverages AWS CloudTrail logs to detect the `AssumeRoleWithSAML` event, analyzing fields such as `principalArn`, `roleArn`, and `roleSessionName`. This activity is significant as it can indicate abnormal access patterns or potential credential hijacking, especially in federated environments using the SAML protocol. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to assume roles and gain unauthorized access to sensitive AWS resources, leading to data breaches or further exploitation.
Registry Keys Used For Privilege Escalation: endpointEndpointrisk_score:762024-12-08version:11
The following analytic detects modifications to registry keys under "Image File Execution Options" that can be used for privilege escalation. It leverages data from the Endpoint.Registry data model, specifically monitoring changes to registry paths and values like GlobalFlag and Debugger. This activity is significant because attackers can use these modifications to intercept executable calls and attach malicious binaries to legitimate system binaries. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code with elevated privileges, leading to potential system compromise and persistent access.
O365 New Federated Domain Added: threatO365 Tenantrisk_score:642024-09-30version:5
The following analytic identifies the addition of a new federated domain in an Office 365 environment. This behavior is detected by analyzing Office 365 management activity logs, specifically filtering for Workload=Exchange and Operation="Add-FederatedDomain". The addition of a new federated domain is significant as it may indicate unauthorized changes or potential compromises. If confirmed malicious, attackers could establish a backdoor, bypass security measures, or exfiltrate data, leading to data breaches and unauthorized access to sensitive information. Immediate investigation is required to review the details of the added domain and any concurrent suspicious activities.