Azure AD New MFA Method Registered: identityAzure Tenant2025-02-10version:6
The following analytic detects the registration of a new Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) method for a user account in Azure Active Directory. It leverages Azure AD audit logs to identify changes in MFA configurations. This activity is significant because adding a new MFA method can indicate an attacker's attempt to maintain persistence on a compromised account. If confirmed malicious, the attacker could bypass existing security measures, solidify their access, and potentially escalate privileges, access sensitive data, or make unauthorized changes. Immediate verification and remediation are required to secure the affected account.
Azure AD User ImmutableId Attribute Updated: threatAzure Active Directory2024-11-14version:6
The following analytic identifies the modification of the SourceAnchor (ImmutableId) attribute for an Azure Active Directory user. This detection leverages Azure AD audit logs, specifically monitoring the "Update user" operation and changes to the SourceAnchor attribute. This activity is significant as it is a step in setting up an Azure AD identity federation backdoor, allowing an adversary to establish persistence. If confirmed malicious, the attacker could impersonate any user, bypassing password and MFA requirements, leading to unauthorized access and potential data breaches.
Azure AD User Enabled And Password Reset: identityAzure Active Directory2024-11-14version:7
The following analytic detects an Azure AD user enabling a previously disabled account and resetting its password within 2 minutes. It uses Azure Active Directory events to identify this sequence of actions. This activity is significant because it may indicate an adversary with administrative access attempting to establish a backdoor identity within the Azure AD tenant. If confirmed malicious, this could allow the attacker to maintain persistent access, escalate privileges, and potentially exfiltrate sensitive information from the environment.
Azure Automation Runbook Created: auditAzure Tenant2025-02-10version:7
The following analytic detects the creation of a new Azure Automation Runbook within an Azure tenant. It leverages Azure Audit events, specifically the Azure Activity log category, to identify when a new Runbook is created or updated. This activity is significant because adversaries with privileged access can use Runbooks to maintain persistence, escalate privileges, or execute malicious code. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized actions such as creating Global Administrators, executing code on VMs, and compromising the entire Azure environment.
O365 External Identity Policy Changed: threatO365 Tenant2024-11-14version:4
The following analytic identifies when changes are made to the external guest policies within Azure AD. With Azure AD B2B collaboration, users and administrators can invite external users to collaborate with internal users. This detection also attempts to highlight what may have changed. External guest account invitations should be monitored by security teams as they could potentially lead to unauthorized access. An example of this attack vector was described at BlackHat 2022 by security researcher Dirk-Jan during his tall `Backdooring and Hijacking Azure AD Accounts by Abusing External Identities`.
Azure AD New Custom Domain Added: threatAzure Active Directory2025-02-10version:7
The following analytic detects the addition of a new custom domain within an Azure Active Directory (AD) tenant. It leverages Azure AD AuditLogs to identify successful "Add unverified domain" operations. This activity is significant as it may indicate an adversary attempting to establish persistence by setting up identity federation backdoors, allowing them to impersonate users and bypass authentication mechanisms. If confirmed malicious, this could enable attackers to gain unauthorized access, escalate privileges, and maintain long-term access to the Azure AD environment, posing a severe security risk.
Azure AD Multiple Service Principals Created by User: identityAzure Active Directory2024-11-14version:5
The following analytic identifies instances where a single user creates more than three unique OAuth applications within a 10-minute timeframe in Azure AD. It detects this activity by monitoring the 'Add service principal' operation and aggregating data in 10-minute intervals. This behavior is significant as it may indicate an adversary rapidly creating multiple service principals to stage an attack or expand their foothold within the network. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to establish persistence, escalate privileges, or access sensitive information within the Azure environment.
Windows Multiple Accounts Deleted: endpointEndpoint2024-11-13version:5
The following analytic detects the deletion of more than five unique Windows accounts within a 10-minute period, using Event Code 4726 from the Windows Security Event Log. It leverages the `wineventlog_security` dataset, segmenting data into 10-minute intervals to identify suspicious account deletions. This activity is significant as it may indicate an attacker attempting to erase traces of their actions. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access removal, hindering incident response and forensic investigations.
Azure AD Privileged Graph API Permission Assigned: identityAzure Active Directory2024-11-14version:4
The following analytic detects the assignment of high-risk Graph API permissions in Azure AD, specifically Application.ReadWrite.All, AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All, and RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory. It uses azure_monitor_aad data to scan AuditLogs for 'Update application' operations, identifying when these permissions are assigned. This activity is significant as it grants broad control over Azure AD, including application and directory settings. If confirmed malicious, it could lead to unauthorized modifications and potential security breaches, compromising the integrity and security of the Azure AD environment. Immediate investigation is required.
O365 SharePoint Malware Detection: threatO365 Tenant2025-02-10version:5
The following analytic identifies when a malicious file is detected within the SharePoint Online ecosystem. Attackers may stage and execute malicious files from within the Microsoft Office 365 ecosystem. Any detections from built-in Office 365 capabilities should be monitored and responded to appropriately. Certain premium Office 365 capabilities further enhance these detection and response functions.
Windows Multiple Accounts Disabled: endpointEndpoint2024-11-13version:5
The following analytic identifies instances where more than five unique Windows accounts are disabled within a 10-minute window, as indicated by Event Code 4725 in the Windows Security Event Log. It leverages the wineventlog_security dataset, grouping data into 10-minute segments and tracking the count and distinct count of TargetUserName. This behavior is significant as it may indicate internal policy breaches or an external attacker's attempt to disrupt operations. If confirmed malicious, this activity could lead to widespread account lockouts, hindering user access and potentially disrupting business operations.
Azure AD Multiple Service Principals Created by SP: identityAzure Active Directory2024-11-14version:5
The following analytic detects when a single service principal in Azure AD creates more than three unique OAuth applications within a 10-minute span. It leverages Azure AD audit logs, specifically monitoring the 'Add service principal' operation initiated by service principals. This behavior is significant as it may indicate an attacker using a compromised or malicious service principal to rapidly establish multiple service principals, potentially staging an attack. If confirmed malicious, this activity could facilitate network infiltration or expansion, allowing the attacker to gain unauthorized access and persist within the environment.
O365 SharePoint Suspicious Search Behavior: threatO365 Tenant2025-01-08version:1
The following analytic identifies when the O365 SharePoint users search for suspicious keywords or have an excessive number of queries within a limited timeframe. This behavior may indicate malicious actor enumeration of SharePoint based data within O365.
O365 Cross-Tenant Access Change: threatO365 Tenant2024-11-14version:4
The following analytic identifies when cross-tenant access/synchronization policies are changed in an Azure tenant. Adversaries have been observed altering victim cross-tenant policies as a method of lateral movement or maintaining persistent access to compromised environments. These policies should be considered sensitive and monitored for changes and/or loose configuration.
Azure AD Service Principal Owner Added: auditAzure Active Directory2024-11-14version:8
The following analytic detects the addition of a new owner to a Service Principal within an Azure AD tenant. It leverages Azure Active Directory events from the AuditLog log category to identify this activity. This behavior is significant because Service Principals do not support multi-factor authentication or conditional access policies, making them a target for adversaries seeking persistence or privilege escalation. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to maintain access to the Azure AD environment with single-factor authentication, potentially leading to unauthorized access and control over critical resources.
Azure AD Global Administrator Role Assigned: threatAzure Active Directory2024-11-14version:7
The following analytic detects the assignment of the Azure AD Global Administrator role to a user. It leverages Azure Active Directory AuditLogs to identify when the "Add member to role" operation includes the "Global Administrator" role. This activity is significant because the Global Administrator role grants extensive access to data, resources, and settings, similar to a Domain Administrator in traditional AD environments. If confirmed malicious, this could allow an attacker to establish persistence, escalate privileges, and potentially gain control over Azure resources, posing a severe security risk.
Azure Automation Account Created: auditAzure Tenant2025-02-10version:7
The following analytic detects the creation of a new Azure Automation account within an Azure tenant. It leverages Azure Audit events, specifically the Azure Activity log category, to identify when an account is created or updated. This activity is significant because Azure Automation accounts can be used to automate tasks and orchestrate actions across Azure and on-premise environments. If an attacker creates an Automation account with elevated privileges, they could maintain persistence, execute malicious runbooks, and potentially escalate privileges or execute code on virtual machines, posing a significant security risk.
O365 External Guest User Invited: identityO365 Tenant2024-11-14version:4
The following analytic identifies the invitation of an external guest user within Azure AD. With Azure AD B2B collaboration, users and administrators can invite external users to collaborate with internal users. External guest account invitations should be monitored by security teams as they could potentially lead to unauthorized access. An example of this attack vector was described at BlackHat 2022 by security researcher Dirk-Jan during his tall `Backdooring and Hijacking Azure AD Accounts by Abusing External Identities`. This detection leverages the Universal Audit Log (UAL)/o365:management:activity sourcetype as a detection data source.
O365 Application Available To Other Tenants: threatO365 Tenant2025-02-10version:5
The following analytic identifies the configuration of Azure Active Directory Applications in a manner that allows authentication from external tenants or personal accounts. This configuration can lead to inappropriate or malicious access of any data or capabilities the application is allowed to access. This detection leverages the O365 Universal Audit Log data source.
Azure AD PIM Role Assignment Activated: identityAzure Active Directory2025-02-10version:8
The following analytic detects the activation of an Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM) role. It leverages Azure Active Directory events to identify when a user activates a PIM role assignment, indicated by the "Add member to role completed (PIM activation)" operation. Monitoring this activity is crucial as PIM roles grant elevated privileges, and unauthorized activation could indicate an adversary attempting to gain privileged access. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized administrative actions, data breaches, or further compromise of the Azure environment.
Azure AD Privileged Role Assigned: auditAzure Active Directory2025-02-10version:8
The following analytic detects the assignment of privileged Azure Active Directory roles to a user. It leverages Azure AD audit logs, specifically monitoring the "Add member to role" operation. This activity is significant as adversaries may assign privileged roles to compromised accounts to maintain persistence within the Azure AD environment. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to escalate privileges, access sensitive information, and maintain long-term control over the Azure AD infrastructure.
Azure AD New Federated Domain Added: threatAzure Active Directory2025-02-10version:7
The following analytic detects the addition of a new federated domain within an Azure Active Directory tenant. It leverages Azure AD AuditLogs to identify successful "Set domain authentication" operations. This activity is significant as it may indicate the use of the Azure AD identity federation backdoor technique, allowing an adversary to establish persistence. If confirmed malicious, the attacker could impersonate any user, bypassing password and MFA requirements, potentially leading to unauthorized access and control over the Azure AD environment.
Azure AD FullAccessAsApp Permission Assigned: threatAzure Active Directory2024-11-14version:4
The following analytic detects the assignment of the 'full_access_as_app' permission to an application within Office 365 Exchange Online. This is identified by the GUID 'dc890d15-9560-4a4c-9b7f-a736ec74ec40' and the ResourceAppId '00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000'. The detection leverages the azure_monitor_aad data source, focusing on AuditLogs with the operation name 'Update application'. This activity is significant as it grants broad control over Office 365 operations, including full access to all mailboxes and the ability to send emails as any user. If malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access and data exfiltration.
O365 SharePoint Allowed Domains Policy Changed: threatO365 Tenant2024-11-14version:6
The following analytic identifies when the allowed domain settings for O365 SharePoint have been changed. With Azure AD B2B collaboration, users and administrators can invite external users to collaborate with internal users. External guest account invitations may also need access to OneDrive/SharePoint resources. These changed should be monitored by security teams as they could potentially lead to unauthorized access.
Azure AD External Guest User Invited: threatAzure Active Directory2024-11-14version:6
The following analytic detects the invitation of an external guest user within Azure AD. It leverages Azure AD AuditLogs to identify events where an external user is invited, using fields such as operationName and initiatedBy. Monitoring these invitations is crucial as they can lead to unauthorized access if abused. If confirmed malicious, this activity could allow attackers to gain access to internal resources, potentially leading to data breaches or further exploitation of the environment.
O365 Privileged Role Assigned: identityO365 Tenant2025-02-10version:5
The following analytic identifies the assignment of sensitive and privileged Azure Active Directory roles to an Azure AD user. Adversaries and red teams alike may assign these roles to a compromised account to establish Persistence in an Azure AD environment. This detection leverages the O365 Universal Audit Log data source.
Azure AD Tenant Wide Admin Consent Granted: identityAzure Tenant2025-02-10version:6
The following analytic identifies instances where admin consent is granted to an application within an Azure AD tenant. It leverages Azure AD audit logs, specifically events related to the admin consent action within the ApplicationManagement category. This activity is significant because admin consent allows applications to access data across the entire tenant, potentially exposing vast amounts of organizational data. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could gain extensive and persistent access to sensitive data, leading to data exfiltration, espionage, further malicious activities, and potential compliance violations.
Azure AD Service Principal New Client Credentials: threatAzure Active Directory2025-02-10version:7
The following analytic detects the addition of new credentials to Service Principals and Applications in Azure AD. It leverages Azure AD AuditLogs, specifically monitoring the "Update application*Certificates and secrets management" operation. This activity is significant as it may indicate an adversary attempting to maintain persistent access or escalate privileges within the Azure environment. If confirmed malicious, attackers could use these new credentials to log in as the service principal, potentially compromising sensitive accounts and resources, leading to unauthorized access and control over the Azure environment.
Azure Runbook Webhook Created: threatAzure Tenant2025-02-10version:8
The following analytic detects the creation of a new Automation Runbook Webhook within an Azure tenant. It leverages Azure Audit events, specifically the "Create or Update an Azure Automation webhook" operation, to identify this activity. This behavior is significant because Webhooks can trigger Automation Runbooks via unauthenticated URLs exposed to the Internet, posing a security risk. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could use this to execute code, create users, or maintain persistence within the environment, potentially leading to unauthorized access and control over Azure resources.
Azure AD Service Principal Created: threatAzure Active Directory2024-11-14version:4
The following analytic detects the creation of a Service Principal in an Azure AD environment. It leverages Azure Active Directory events ingested through EventHub, specifically monitoring the "Add service principal" operation. This activity is significant because Service Principals can be used by adversaries to establish persistence and bypass multi-factor authentication and conditional access policies. If confirmed malicious, this could allow attackers to maintain single-factor access to the Azure AD environment, potentially leading to unauthorized access to resources and prolonged undetected activity.
Windows Multiple Account Passwords Changed: endpointEndpoint2024-11-13version:5
The following analytic detects instances where more than five unique Windows account passwords are changed within a 10-minute interval. It leverages Event Code 4724 from the Windows Security Event Log, using the wineventlog_security dataset to monitor and count distinct TargetUserName values. This behavior is significant as rapid password changes across multiple accounts are unusual and may indicate unauthorized access or internal compromise. If confirmed malicious, this activity could lead to widespread account compromise, unauthorized access to sensitive information, and potential disruption of services.
Azure AD PIM Role Assigned: identityAzure Active Directory2025-02-10version:7
The following analytic detects the assignment of an Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM) role. It leverages Azure Active Directory events to identify when a user is added as an eligible member to a PIM role. This activity is significant because PIM roles grant elevated privileges, and their assignment should be closely monitored to prevent unauthorized access. If confirmed malicious, an attacker could exploit this to gain privileged access, potentially leading to unauthorized actions, data breaches, or further compromise of the environment.